

¿Cuál es el llanto por la RCTV?

Anonyme, Saturday, June 2, 2007 - 17:40

Wilfredo Gutiérrez


Italian Television the Latest to Enter the “911” Ring

trupeace4all, Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - 14:08

Debbie Lewis

In late April, Italian Television, Canale 5, aired a segment by that presents many questions to the official story of one of the most tragic events in US History.

Planète internationale 11 mai 2007 : festival de l'anarchie, 10e anniversaire de l'émission, Sarkozy au pouvoir et...

Anonyme, Saturday, May 12, 2007 - 13:51

À l'émission Planète internationale cette semaine, vous pouvez entendre une entrevue avec Louis-Frédéric du Salon du livre anarchiste et du Festival de l'anarchie, une entrevue autour du 10e anniversaire de l'émission et un commentaire d'Aurore sur l'élection de Sarkozy et ce qui s'en suit

Retour sur 1er mai au Magazine Centre-Ville du mardi et...

Anonyme, Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 15:33

Nous faisons un retour sur les perspectives entourant le premier mai et les actions qui l'ont animé et il y a du matériel aussi sur les sans-statuts et la manif qui les concernait et +

The Lone Star Iconoclast - News

Anonyme, Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - 21:43

Cpt. Eric H. May

Please accept this as an official Ghost Troop alert to the prospect of more government treason like 9/11. Please do not read my remarks as a prediction. The nature of the information contained in your article and my observations is not specific enough for this command to issue a prediction.

Madsen: Cheney on DC Madam's list

Anonyme, Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - 17:11

George LoBuono

May 8, 2007 -- Cheney on DC Madam's list.

“Yesterday, Wayne Madsen Report reported on the DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey's list: ‘WMR has been informed that the CEO of a major corporation is a former CEO but, nonetheless, the aforementioned extremely high-level official of the Bush administration.

Autour du 1er mai à la radio

Anonyme, Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - 15:39

Vous pouvez écouter l’édition de cette semaine du Magazine Centre-Ville du mardi (c’est une émission diffusée par Radio Centre-Ville le 102.3fm à Montréal). Cette émission traitait des perspectives de luttes autour du 1er mai avec Jacques du Parti communiste révolutionnaire, AnarchOI d’Anarkhia, le journaliste André Pesant, François Giguère du Comité des sans-emplois…

Une partie de cette émission était la rediffusion d'une table-ronde diffusée lundi sur En profondeur à CKUT (90.3fm à Montréal)

Preocupados por Cuba, muy preocupados

Anonyme, Saturday, April 28, 2007 - 06:51

Miguel Angel Llana
Revisado por Caty R.

Call for Submissions: Zine on Property Destruction

Anonyme, Saturday, April 28, 2007 - 02:46

Casey Ford

Entering the radical community, many quickly find themselves constantly hearing about debate over property destruction. Is it violence? Does it matter if it's violence? Is it effective? Is it alienating? And on and on. I've been hearing this argument pretty much since I regularly started attending protests. At this point, I almost don't want to deal with the subject. Naturally, you're asking, "Then why the hell do you want to make a zine about it?"

Justice: Life for leaders of Argentina's brutal dirty war

forpressfound, Friday, April 27, 2007 - 13:16

Henk R. + LATimes

Hundreds of human rights cases against former politicians, police and military officials now are pending before judges all over the world. US and collaborating war criminals better beware: there are many warrants out for their arrests. In Argentine today Videla and Massera were sentenced to life terms in a case known as the "Argentine Nuremberg." The human principles of Nuremberg prevail. Not the US junta's: "Might makes Right."

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