
Guerre / War

US/BP Terror Drills -- Ron Paul's Texas City

Anonyme, Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 21:09

Captain Eric H. May

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, reports the disturbing news that the Bush administration is practicing for terror and Ron Paul's Texas City.

New 9/11 Feature Film

Anonyme, Monday, May 26, 2008 - 00:51

Paul Cross

9/11 New film ragarding the conspiracy of the Pentagon attack on September 11. 2001

Storms and Quakes -- Weapons of War?

Anonyme, Sunday, May 25, 2008 - 17:57

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, takes a look at the disturbing possibility that the incredible spike in killer earthquakes and super-storms during the Bush administration is not coincidental.

États-Unis: après près de six années de torture, un journaliste est libéré, mais sans liberté...

Michael Lessard..., Friday, May 23, 2008 - 19:36

:: Mon introduction éditoriale
   Maxime Vivas analyse le communiqué de Reporters sans frontières (RSF) du 1er mai 2008 concernant la libération de Sami Al Haj.  Ce cameraman d'Al-Jazira était détenu depuis juin 2002 sur la base américaine de Guantanamo.  Ce dernier aurait été régulièrement torturé et soumis à près de 200 interrogatoires par ses geôliers.  « Selon un mémorandum remis au gouvernement soudanais par l'administration américaine », parmi les conditions exigées pour accepter sa libération, « il y a l'interdiction de reprendre ses activités de journaliste et celle de sortir du territoire soudanais ».  Incroyable !  Ce cameraman/journaliste a été emprisonné, humilié et abusé pendant près de six années, de manière totalement illégale, mais l'administration ajoute la condition dictatoriale qu'il ne pratique plus de journalisme.  On ne peut interdire aux citoyen-nes, du monde entier, de produire du matériel d'information.
- Michaël Lessard

M. Vivas s'interroge sur le fait que RSF a simplement affirmé « Sami Al-Haj n'aurait jamais dû être détenu aussi longtemps. » […]

:: Libération d’un journaliste emprisonné à Guantanamo, par Maxime Vivas (reproduis dans L'Aut'Journal), 05 mai 2008.

Chhattisgarh, India: Free Binayak Sen, T.G. Ajay and other political prisoners!

Anonyme, Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 14:35

19 May 2008. A World to Win News Service. A worldwide campaign is emerging to demand the freedom of Dr Binayak Sen, a public health doctor and human rights campaigner in the impoverished Indian state of Chhattisgarh who has now spent a year in prison, accused of aiding the rural rebellion led by the Communist Party of India (Maoist). The paediatrician distanced himself from the politics of armed revolution, but refused to stop exposing and denouncing the oppression and injustice practiced against the adivasis (tribal people). He has been particularly vocal against the authorities' attempts to unleash counterrevolutionary terror in the countryside through the state-sponsored paramilitaries called the Salwa Judum.

The Nakba: Ethnic cleansing and the birth of Israel

Anonyme, Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 14:16

A World to Win News Service

May 12, 2008. A World to Win News Service.
   On the occasion of Israel’s sixtieth anniversary, we are reprinting the following article from the AWTWNS news packet of December 10, 2007, the anniversary of the beginning of the Nakba.

Brésil : Le soja avance en Amazonie

Anonyme, Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 12:29


Dans des déclarations publiques, la ministre de l'Environnement, Marina Silva, a rendu responsable un baron du soja de son licenciement. Un influent secteur militaire a soutenu ce remaniement, suivant en cela la politique de la dictature militaire.

Paul's Paulestinians vs. Bush's False Flaggers

Anonyme, Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 17:18

Captain Eric H. May

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, notices the diligence of Dr. Ron Paul's supporters -- a.k.a. "Paulestinians" -- in considering false flag realities.

60 years Israel Nothing to celebrate! Remember the Palestinian Naqba

Anonyme, Friday, May 16, 2008 - 20:24

Astrid Essed

In contrary to the outburst of festivities among zionists and their adherents, regarding the ´´celebration´´ of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, for the Palestinian victims of the etnic cleansings in 1948 and 1967 and the continuing occupation, there is nothing to celebrate
Remember the Naqba

Hizbullah's Promise to a Child Killer

Anonyme, Monday, May 12, 2008 - 20:42

Samir Kuntar, Israel's longest held Lebanese prisoner who has been incarcerated in Israeli jail for the past 30 years. In fact the Hezbollah operation last year in which 2 Israeli soldiers were kidnapped, which sparked the 34 day long war, was meant to use the 2 soldiers as bargaining chips in order to force Israel to release Samir Kuntar.

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