
Guerre / War

The Scream

Anonyme, Friday, March 2, 2007 - 11:14

Jaap den Haan

Ministry of love, 1984

Daniel in the lion's den

March 1, 2005, Tabaré Vázquez has been inaugurated as president of Urugay in Montevideo, a member of the centre-left Broad Front (Frente Amplio) in which the Tupamaros, as foreseen, became a key majority in the MPP they had founded from an idea of their main, old-leader Raúl Sendic and his brand of social politics.

Vous êtes invités à participer du 18 au 20 avril 2007 à la deuxième conférence annuelle de Bil'in en Palestine

Anonyme, Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 15:19

Février 2007 marque le deuxième anniversaire des manifestations hebdomadaires non violentes en opposition au « chantier de la honte » pour la construction du Mur de l'apartheid qui a permis d'annexer près de 60% des terres du village de Bil'in en Cisjordanie. Bil'in est devenu le symbole à la fois du vol de terres en Palestine et du pouvoir des actions de résistance populaires non violentes contre l'occupation pour instaurer une résistance locale et internationale à l'Occupation.

Beautyful Iran and Cat Stevens

Anonyme, Tuesday, February 27, 2007 - 09:40



The BBC Joins The Ranks Of The Untrustworthy United States Media

Anonyme, Saturday, February 24, 2007 - 17:29

Debbie Lewis

With the airing on BBC2 of “911: The Conspiracy Files,

Ultime communiqué du comité d'occupation de la sorbonne en exil (texte intéressant pour prévenir la récupération des crise

Anonyme, Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 23:10

comité d'occupation de la sorbonne en exil

Réflexions sur la participation aux grèves étudiantes et sociales qui dégagent des perspectives intéressantes contre la récupération des montées insurrectionnelles qui apparaissent dans ces grèves. Dans le cadre de la proposition de grève générale illimitée potentielle, ça trouve toute sa pertinence

Is The Bush White House Advancing Fascist Agenda?

Anonyme, Monday, February 19, 2007 - 15:26

Debbie Lewis

With the illegal “war on terror,

Urgent support needed for freedom struggle in Guinea-Conakry!

bsup, Sunday, February 18, 2007 - 17:31

The African Socialist International (ASI) calls on urgent support for the freedom struggle in Guinea-Conakry; raises the slogan, “Touch One! Touch All!

'Your Human Right to Hate': ADL’s Insidious Hate Crime Law

Anonyme, Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 16:46

This last month there have been reports on the Internet that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was re-introduci ng a federal hate law called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. But the human reality is that you have a right to hate—it is part of your emotional makeup. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient" being which includes the right to experience hatred. This law was designed to censor debate on the Zionist issue.

La extinción de la clase media en Israel

Anonyme, Wednesday, February 14, 2007 - 18:42

Shir Hever

Shir Hever
The Alternative Information Center

Wake Up! The Next War Is Coming! - Iran A-bomb inevitable?

forpressfound, Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - 10:03

Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent

The head of German intelligence, Ernst Uhrlau, says the same as the CIA told George Bush and his junta: Iran will only be able to make a nuclear weapon by about 2015. The UN's 'nuclear watchdog' IAEA says there's NO evidence of any Iranian nuclear weapons plan. It is the evil US/NATO junta which has the nukes...

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