“Africa Need Not Suffer” - Canadian Puzzled as World Hoards Wealth of KnowledgeAnonyme, Monday, September 9, 2002 - 08:23
Sean Mason
Shelvan Kannuthurai wants to give the poor a fighting chance. He and the CCBC team have pioneered Professeurs Pour Liberté, which is utilizing the education portal, e-Studies.com, to provide post-secondary education to as many as 92 million African students at no cost to them. Shelvan Kannuthurai knows a thing or two about sharing. The Sri Lankan immigrant shares his experience with information technology with pupils at his school, the Canadian College of Business and Computers (CCBC). He also expects his students to work together, sharing and building team skills that will help them succeed in business. Now, he wants the world to share its knowledge to support peace and prosperity in Africa. Shelvan and the CCBC team have pioneered Professeurs Pour Liberté, which is utilizing the U.S. education portal, e-Studies.com, to provide accredited post-secondary education to as many as 92 million African secondary-school graduates. This would be an extension of the United Nations Education For All (EFA) initiative. Just as Médecins Sans Frontières created meaningful contributions to Africa, Professeurs Pour Liberté is calling for collaborative participation from teachers and post-secondary institutions to volunteer their time and resources to provide education to all students. Shelvan’s vision was inspired by the words of Mother Teresa, who endeared the world with, “a little bit, a lot can give. |
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