
Protect Freedom Propaganda T-shirts

Anonyme, Wednesday, July 31, 2002 - 15:21

Christopher Loch

These t-shirts are wake-up call propaganda pieces to be worn in all company...

I made this t-shirt last fall shortly after 9-11 and the impending war in Afganistan and the sharp decline of respect for civil liberties.

The design is a projection of the current tide, the current dominant meme since 9-11, a paradox, an exercise in double-think: "Protect Freedom... by taking it away."

I am thinking about doing another run of the shirts, so if anybody wants one please email me and tell me HOW MANY and WHAT SIZES.

My email is

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Sun, 2002-07-28 17:08

Même si la personne avait de bonne intention en créant son T-shirt, rien ne prouve que ce n'est pas une compagnie sous un nom bidon. Aussi, le CMAQ, ce n'est pas télé-annonce!

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