
Food and medicine: palestinians need us!

Anonyme, Friday, June 21, 2002 - 16:44

Zelda Laliberté

Details about Ta'ayush, an organisation who organize pacific actions against the occupation in Palestine and convoys of food ans medicine to besieged Palestinians.

Ta'ayush (partnership) from Palestine/Israel
solidarity direct actions

Wed. June 26, 7 p.m.
Concordia Univ., Rm. H 937, Metro Guy/Concordia

Israeli/Palestinian grassroots peace movement created at the start of the
second Intifada.

Ta'ayush organizes solidarity direct actions to promote partnership
between Arabs and Jews, fight anti Arab racism, and end the occupation of
Palestinian territories. Ta'ayush does non-violent mass actions
protesting detention of Palestinians, civil disobedience campaigns to
prevent expulsions of Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills, and convoys
of food and medicine to besieged Palestinians.

Come join a presentation with two dynamic Ta'ayush women:
Leena Dallasheh, Palestinian, articling in Jerusalem;
Noa Nativ, Israeli, Linguistics specialist.

Canadian Speaking Tour Organized by NECEF (Near East Cultural and
Educational Foundation of Canada)
Montreal sponsors: Alternatives; Jewish Alliance Against the Occupation
? JAAO; Medical Aid for Palestine ? MAP; Palestine And Jewish Unity ?
PAJU; Women In Black; Parole Arabe (for now)
for more information:

Ariane Brunet
Women's Rights Coordinator - Coordinatrice Droits des Femmes
1001, boul. de Maisonneuve Est
Bureau 1100, Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2L 4A2
tel: 514 283 6073
Fax: 514 283 3792

Women's right.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

Get involved !


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