
Call-out for Radio folk: Join the Anti-G8 Broadcast in Alberta & Ontario

Anonyme, Monday, June 17, 2002 - 16:17

gretchen k.

in 10 days, "leaders" from the wealthiest EIGHT countries will be gathering in Alberta to plan the economic future for the rest of the world's SIX BILLION people. communities across canada are gearing up, organizing teach-ins, marches, & direct actions, to denounce the hypocrisy of a few elite waging economic warfare (not to mention the "War on Terrorism"). AUDIO folks are encouraged to converge in either Alberta or Ontario to help facilitate an emergency Anti-G8 broadcast across Canada.

in the west - folks will find Rock the G8 Radio already up and streaming. if you want to help out, contact folks in alberta will be providing coverage of actions & other events beginning on June 20th, check out for more details.

in the east - the Ottawa-IMC is planning a nexus broadcast, providing minute-by-minute updates from the Take the Capital campaign in Ontario plus reports from solidarity actions happening across Canada. radio folks on the ground in Ottawa want to know if you are coming. email and let them know what equipment you are bringing and what you want in the IMC space. Take the Capital Radio will kick off its broadcast on the evening of June 25th. if you want a time slot(s), just send in your request.

all of this information will be continuously updated at, which will be serving as a portal for these broadcast before, during, and after the action. there is already an Anti-G8 Audio Archive available online at with more than eight hours of audio.

Join us (!).

for further details on REbroadcasting this content.

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