
Ongoing virtual sit-in against HLS animal cruelty

Anonyme, Monday, June 17, 2002 - 16:16

Gary Gilmore

Electronic Civil Disobedience [ECD] is a legitimate form of non-violent, direct action utilized in order to bring pressure on institutions engaged in unethical or criminal actions. Starting Friday, June 14th, at 6:00pm Pacific time, such an action was commenced against Huntingdon Life Sciences. VISIT for details. PARTICIPATE

Electronic Civil Disobedience Protest Online - 14th June 2002 NEWS:
HLS Recently Tried To Get Shut Down


Starting on Friday 14th of June an act of online civil disobedience as part of the campaign to close down Huntingdon Life Sciences began. A virtual sit-in is underway against one or more of the companies that are currently keeping HLS open and are therefore responsible for 500 deaths every day. Activists from all over the world can join together to protest on the Internet against this cruelty.

What is a virtual sit-in?

A virtual sit-in is a modern day act of civil disobedience. The basic idea is that a large number of people run an automated tool that repeatedly downloads the website of a company who they wish to protest against. If enough people take part this will disrupt the company's online presence in the same way that a large crowd of demonstrators would disrupt their physical presence.

What/who is Huntingdon Life Sciences?

Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) are a UK based animal experimentation company who have been exposed for animal cruelty and other criminal offences on five separate occasions. In 1997, Channel Four filmed workers repeatedly punching a four month old puppy in the face. HLS continue to torture and kill animals for profit at the rate of 500 per day.

How do I take part in the virtual sit-in?

On Friday the 14th of June a URL (an internet address) was announced for a web page on another server where people can take part in the sit-in. No computer skills are required to take part. You have a choice of several tools to run, all of which are very simple to use. Detailed instructions are available for each tool. Many thanks to the electrohippie collective who are programming and hosting the sit-in tools. More information will be posted on this page over the next few weeks.

What can I do now?

1. Bookmark this page.


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