

webguru, Friday, May 24, 2002 - 17:13

Tod Zankert

A provocative satire to get us all to take a look again at the real crisis of terrorism: That we the citizens lose our freedoms while those in power use this conflict for their own advantage.

A Satire -

  Where is Osama bin Laden? He and President Bush may seem like mortal enemies, but it’s all a cover! Actually, they are corporate partners. I mean, did anyone notice that whenever Bush went into the bunker, Mr. Laden resurfaced? Or that when Osama vanished, the president took the spotlight?

  Early on, President Bush said he wanted this big cheese terrorist, dead or alive. But then, somehow Osama bin Laden “escaped

A satire. Most think Bush and Osama bin Laden are 2 extremes apart. I say they are corporate partners! Who knows? Both are wealthy men, maybe they're both monopolizing profits on the Global War Against Terrorism!
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