
Last recall for those who have been arrested on April 26th

Anonyme, Friday, May 24, 2002 - 16:24


This text give the lastest information for who they were arrested the april 26!!!!

Last recall for those who have been arrested on April 26th
This message is for all the people who were at the April 26th protest at the dominion square.

First of all, please notice that you have 'til May 26th 2002 to send your plea (guilty or not guilty to the Montreal's city courthouse situated at 775 Gosford street. You just have to follow the instructions attached to your fine and let me tell you that they are very simple. There is no use to remind you that we encourage you to plea non-guilty! If you have any questions, please don't call directly the lawyers (they are already all booked) but call the legal committee A26 of the CLAC. We will make sure they receive all the concerns and we will return you all the answers.

After you sent your pleas, when you receive your comparution date, we suggest you to e-mail them to the committee so we could then try to have a common dates for the trials. We also suggest to ask for non-profit lawyer even if most of the time it doesn't work.

To reach us:
E-mail :
Phone : (514) 409-2049

We'll get over it!!! it!!! A26 legal commitee

official site of the clac!!!

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