Far right website targets Montreal-area activists and groupsvieuxcmaq, Friday, December 14, 2001 - 12:00
L'Ombre Noire (lombrenoire@tao.ca)
This e-mail notice is to inform Quebec activists and community organizers about the existence of a far-right wing web page that, in part, lists several progressive, radical and cultural groups in Montreal and Quebec City that are described as "enemies of our people and our race". The list include addresses, telephone numbers, and in some cases, specific names. There are also photos of certain individuals and buildings. -- Montreal-linked far right web page promotes hatred -- Site lists addresses of minority, queer, anti-racist, anarchist and communist groups MONTREAL, December 14, 2001 -- This e-mail notice is to inform Quebec activists and community organizers about the existence of a far-right wing web page that, in part, lists several progressive, radical and cultural groups in Montreal and Quebec City that are described as "enemies of our people and our race". The list include addresses, telephone numbers, and in some cases, specific names. There are also photos of certain individuals and buildings. The website, which is entirely in French, is titled "The Nationalist Right" (La Droite Nationaliste). It promotes itself as an "information index and news source for the francophone, nationalist world." The website is currently located at http://nationalisme.cjb.net and boasts of referencing 265 sites. [The website has also been found at http://www.geocities.com/quebecnation2001 as well as http://www.chez.com/quebecnation2001, although both addresses no longer seem to be working.] The website contact is a post office box in Anjou, a suburb on the island of Montreal. It is updated regularly and contains news and events info from all over the world, and links to many other far right electronic bulletins and websites. It is a well-maintained, comprehensive site. The person or persons maintaining the website use the address nati...@hotmail.com. It's not too surprising that the extreme right and fascists keep web pages, but this web page in particular has open lists of cultural and left organizations from Montreal, Quebec City and elsewhere in Quebec. On the Montreal section (which can be reached by clicking on the banner "La fillière anti-nationaliste" on the main page), there are over 60 groups listed, with addresses and phone numbers, and, in many cases, fax numbers and web and e-mail addresses. The section is titled "The anti-nationalist file: A small address book of anti-national organizations and publications in Montreal." The section goes on to read: "With this little address book, we are able to denounce those who, in one way or another, block the full realization of our destiny. They are in fact the number one enemies." The addresses are divided into seven sections: "Foreign and Non European Communities"; "Jewish Lobby, Zionist Lobby"; "Pink Lobby, Homosexual Lobby"; "Anarchist Organizations"; "Anti-Racist Organizations"; and "Communist Organizations". A full list of the organizations and publications targeted by the web site are listed below in ADDENDUM 1. The addresses listed include institutions like the Jewish Public Library and the Musée du Fier Monde (a museum of working class history in east-end Montreal) as well as publications like the Canadian Jewish News and Fugues (a gay and lesbian lifestyle magazine). There are several cultural groups listed, representing self-defined Black, Caribbean, Jamaican, Asian, Latin American, South Asian, Iranian, Haitian, Afro-Canadian, Vietnamese, Filipino, Chinese and Palestinian communities, as well as many Jewish groups. A refugee support organization, Action Réfugiés Montréal, is also listed. The section on queer groups includes gay help lines and discussion groups at Concordia and McGill universities. The descriptions of the Association of Gay Fathers even specifies the address of the building in which they regularly meet. The anti-racist section includes Anti-Racist Action (ARA), SHARP (Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice) and the Ligue des Droits et Libertés (a very mainstream civil liberties organization). The anarchist and communist sections includes some student organizations at colleges and universities. The left-wing student group ASSÉ (Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante) receives special attention, with 20 individual activists being named (including, in most cases, their college-affiliation and course of study). Other groups mentioned include the CLAC (the Anti-Capitalist Convergence), the Comité des sans-emploi (with some of their members specified), COBP (Citizens Opposed to Police Brutality) and various communist and socialist parties as well as anarchist publications and collectives. The book publisher Écosociétés, which publishes many radical titles, is also mentioned. Disturbingly, the website includes the photos and addresses of the Alternative Bookshop, an anarchist infoshop, as well as the headquarters of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ). There are also photos of two unnamed members of the SHARPs, a local rabbi, as well as activist Jaggi Singh. [Singh recently angered the extreme, nationalist right wing when he made a profane gesture -- the two-armed "fuck-you" salute, or "le bras d'honneur" in French) to Raymond Villeneuve in open court at Montreal's Palais de Justice in September. Villeneuve is the head of the anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, right wing Mouvement de Libération Nationale du Québec (MLNQ). Singh's simple gesture was noticed by a reporter and widely publicized in the Quebec media.] Another person singled out for attention is UQAM professor and anarchist Normand Baillargeon. His office location is specified on the site. The web site also includes so-called anarchist organizations in Quebec City, as well as groups in Granby and Drummondville. There are also several requests for information about more "anti-national" groups, to be sent to the e-mail address nati...@hotmail.com. A glance at the links and information on the website provides a clear portrait of the fascist, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-queer and anti-woman views that the site promotes. The links on the Quebec section include the MLNQ, a "pro-life" group, the Holocaust denying "Zundelsite", a variety of "National Socialist" groups as well as the Ku Klux Klan of Laval, just north of Montreal. Other sections on France, Belgium and Switzerland include predictable links to far-right parties (such as the Front National and MNR), anti-immigrant groups, as well as far-right music links. There is also a section devoted to the works of Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson. There is an updated events section, with far-right events from France, Belgium, Great Britain and even the United States. Please see ADDENDUM 2 below for some events that might interest anti-fascist activists in the USA. The news section provides a clear example of the hatred promoted by this web site. A news item from Zimbabwe refers to "African savages". Another news item from Serbia positively reports on a brutal racist skinhead attack on Belgrade's first Gay Pride parade. Referring to the cancellation of other parades and conferences by the gay and lesbian community due to the fear of attack, the web page states approvingly: "Direct action is sometimes more convincing than the words of politicians." This e-mail note is not meant to be alarmist. Rather, it is intended to inform local activists and groups about the existence of a hate-promoting website which is maintained by some person or persons in Montreal. More importantly, it is a website that shows a degree of organization, as well as a reasonably detailed interest and knowledge of the activities of a variety of cultural and left groups in Quebec, including photos, telephone numbers and addresses. The latter details are clearly meant to encourage harassment and attacks -- both verbal and physical -- by right wing extremists against easily identifiable targets in Quebec. -- This report is written by l'ombre noire (lomb...@tao.ca). ----------- The following groups, organizations, institutions and publications are listed for the Montreal-area on the Nationalist Right web page ("La fillière anti-nationaliste"). Please note that the names of the groups are as listed on the website, and might not always be accurate titles. Some group names have been translated from the French, while others have not. With few exceptions, all of the groups below had their addresses and telephone numbers included. Action Réfugiés Montréal; Aide à la Femme Noire; Association of Caribbean Students of UQAM; Association of Asian Students of UQAM; Association of Black Businessmen and Professionals of Montreal; The Jamaican Association; The Latin-American and Multi-ethnic Association of Côte-des-Neiges; the South Asian Women's Community Center; Centre Culturel Canado-Nippon; Iranian Cultural Community Center; Centre International de Documentation et d'Information Haitienne, Caribienne et Afro-canadienne; Black Coalition of Quebec; Communauté Vietnamienne; Latin-American Friendship and Cultural Corporation; Federation of Filipino-Canadian Associations; the Palestinian-Canadian Foundation; Chinese Family Services of Greater Montreal; Black Theatre Troupe; Black Students' Union of McGill; Committee of South Africans of McGill; Auberge Shalom; Rodal Boutique of Hebrew Gifts and Books; Canadian Jewish News; Saidye Bronfman Centre; Canadian Jewish Congress; Jewish Community Council; Federation of Services to the Jewish Community; Jewish Public Library; Hillel House McGill; Régistres Uniques Juifs; Jewish Reference and Information Service; Aid Services to Jewish Families; Anglophone Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Quebec; Association of Gay Fathers of Montreal; Gay and Lesbian Center; Diffusions Gaies et Lesbiennes de Québec; Équipe Québec; Fugues; Gai-Écoute; Gay-Line; Gais/Lesbiennes AA; Lesbian, Bi and Transexual Women's Discussion Group of Concordia; Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transexuals and Gays of McGill; Projet 10; Montreal Coalition for Mumia Abu-Jamal; Collective opposed to Police Brutality (COBP); Comité des sans-emploi; La Convergence des luttes anti-capitalistes (CLAC); Croix Noire Anarchiste; Groupe Main Noire; Le Chat Noir; Les Éditions Écosociétés; Le Poing d'Exclamation; Le Trouble, Les Sorcières; Anti-Racist Action; Anti-Racist Action McGill; Ligue des Droits et Libertés; Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP); Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ); Musée du Fier Monde; Parti Communiste du Québec; Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire; Parti de la Démocratie Socialiste; Parti Marxiste-Léniniste du Québec. ADDENDUM 2: The announcement section of the web site lists three events in the USA that might be of interest to anti-fascist activists. For Europe-based antifa activists, there are many far-right events and concerts included on the web page. First, according to the web site, there is to be a "Yule Concert" to take place in California on January 5, 2002. It is organized by the National Alliance and includes groups with the names "Youngland|" and "Aggressive Force". The e-mail contact is: sact...@hotmail.com Secondly, according to the web site, a "White Pride March" is to take place on February 8, 2002 in Salt Lake City, Utah during the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics. It is to meet at 4:30 pm at 1300 East and South Temple and intends to march past the Rice Ecches Stadium. A Jack Gray is listed as the contact at jack...@hotmail.com. Finally, according to the web site, there is to be an "American Renaissance" conference in Herndon, Virginia between February 22-24, 2002. Speakers include Phillipe Rushton, the Canadian-based university psychology professor with race-based theories of intelligence, and Nick Griffin, leader of the racist British National Party. The address of the conference is listed as: American Renaissance, PO BOX 527, Oakton, VA, 22124, USA. |
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