The U.S. does not protect me from terrorism; The US is the terrorist.vieuxcmaq, Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - 11:00 (Analyses)
Kenneth G. Dzaman (kennspace@hotmail.com)
JUSTICE: Crossing Boundaries of Intolerance and Discrimination Trauma is born By US all: Terrorism. Dear Humanity, September 11th, 2001 The U.S. does not protect me from terrorism; The US is the terrorist. The Cultural Media System of Intolerance and Discrimination JUSTICE: Crossing Boundaries of Racism, Intolerance, and Discrimination EXECUTION IS MURDER AND TERRORISM. MORE -Seattle and Washington Police Abuse, Execution and Trauma; Creating Terror Dear Mainstreamers of the media (The Seattle Times), August 16, 2001 Dear Mr. Sidran and Mayor Paul Schell, SUICIDAL IGNORANCE: -SUICIDE IS EXECUTION; -EXECUTION IS HOMICIDE. Automatic reaction - Good or Bad?. Seattle Cops shooting at Seattle cops. Kenneth G. Dzaman September 1st, 2001 Dear Humanity, September 11th, 2001 The Cultural Media System of Intolerance and Discrimination JUSTICE: Crossing Boundaries of Racism, Intolerance, and Discrimination EXECUTION IS MURDER AND TERRORISM. MORE -Seattle and Washington Police Abuse, Execution and Trauma; Creating Terror Dear Humanity, September 12, 2001 With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the Abraham Lincoln Surgical Killing; Part #1: Dear Executioner - President Bush, August 8th, 2001 Execution is Government-Sponsored Terrorism-Murder. This letter appeared in the Seattle Press June 22, 2001 - I am repeating it. - It has also been posted around the world. Please stop killing people, and calling it "execution", if you are going to kill them, please, call it what it is; Execution is terrorism and murder, Mr. President, and have no doubt in your mind, body, or soul; it is what you, Mr. President Bush, are creating. Sincerely, [Seattle Times: August 19, 2001: "When cops draw their guns". Dear Editor of the Seattle Times, Whether it is Seattle police on the streets, or the "surgical" killing done in a "death chamber", killing a human being for any reason, is murderous and terrorism. (State sanctioned.). The idea that when a police officer kills someone it is somehow "justified" because they are a police officer, is ridiculous. When anyone kills anyone, or suffers a traumatic human death, whether it is by accident or with intention; they could lose their job, their family - everything that is precious. They may even become a "self - terrorist" and kill themselves. When a person is involved in human death, the more traumatic it is, and the more responsibility they feel for its creation; the more of their personal humanity will die. A person can only suffer human death in silence for so long, - before all that is left is terror. It is the personal human justice every person feels from the experience they have "set" themselves up for; called, your "feeling conscience". The culture of the United States has created millions of these disenfranchised people; they blow up high schools, federal buildings, beat their wives and kids, and generally just create the terror they are feeling. A police officer is a human being, it is time we started treating them as such. As soon as the Seattle police are on the same side as the "public" they are supposed to serve and protect, I imagine that will be possible. With the federal drug war, as it now stands, there are two cultures in Seattle: Seattle people and Seattle police. Sincerely, CC : kenn...@hotmail.com, gove...@governor.wa.gov Dear Governor Gary Locke of Washington, Whether it is Seattle police on the streets, or the "surgical" killing done in a "death chamber", killing a human being for any reason, is murder and terrorism. Death (execution?) will kill you, Mr, Governor; it will kill US all. Surgical Killing; Part #1: Surgical Killing; Part #2: Surgical Killing; Part #3: Dear Executioner - Governor Gary Locke, Death (execution?) will kill you Governor Gary Locke. Did you see on the FRONT PAGE of the Seattle PI (today August 18, 2001) "State's chief justice calls for reform in death penalty justice system". I am calling for "reform" also. It must end. You are an executioner and a killer creating terrorism, and you could stop at any time. This letter is posted on the Internet (at this) and many other news sites: Execution is Government-Sponsored Terrorism-Murder. This letter appeared in the Seattle Press June 22, 2001 - I am repeating it. - It has also been posted around the world. Please stop killing people and calling it "execution", if you are going to kill them, please, call it what it is; execution is terrorism and murder, Governor Gary Locke - and have no doubt in your mind, body, or soul; it is what you, Governor Gary Locke, are creating. Sincerely, EXECUTION IS MURDER AND TERRORISM. "Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the people by its example." -Justice Brandeis I do not support or believe in the United States Federal Government any longer. I do not support a government, or a culture, that has the power to execute it's own citizens. I do not believe that executing a human being is justice in any form, it is terrorism and murder. I do not support a government that has the power to create this cultural terrorism and execution of human life. When the United States people stop executing human beings and creating this terrorism, I will support the United States government; until then, I do not support the United States government and I will help change it. (I am not a martyr, terrorist, or savior; I am human.) Human execution is a human perversion that is both cultural and individual, even if it is your self. Any human who enjoys or desires to create the execution and death of another human being (or themselves) is a terrorist. Thank you, United States, for making my decision so easy (even though its action is so hard); I do not support terrorism, execution, war, or murder, therefore I do not support the United States government. Executing a human being is terrorism and it is what the United States is creating. I do not support terrorism. The United States military kills people all over the world all the time. We are witnessing this killing and terrorism being created in the United States where the military machine is being created. It will be the people of the United States who dismantle this terrorism we are creating - one way or the other; Either through peaceful and conscious evolution, or through perversion, execution, and terrorism. We need to stop this terrorism of executing human beings before it kills us all. If you do not see and feel this terrorism now, you will. Please help stop terrorism from being created by feeling it now, before it takes someone else "by suprise"; it could be someone you know. Please help stop humans from killing humans, it is terrifying, and it creates terrorists. Kenneth G. Dzaman [Opinion] {Letters to the Editor - Seattle Post Intelligencer} On Aug. 28 at 3 a.m., most of us will be sound asleep while James Elledge is scheduled to be executed at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary. Intimate participants in the execution will be employees of the prison system. I cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like for them to go to work that day. I think I would call in sick. Having worked for more than 15 years as an advocate for survivors of domestic and sexual violence and hearing their horrific stories, compassion for offenders does not come easy for me. However, I still believe if we continue to execute human beings, we are perpetuating violence in our society and asking individual human beings like those who work in the prison system to participate in an act that must crush the soul to its very core. I agree with Henry Schwarzchild, former member of the board of directors of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, who said, Sandi Thompson-Royer Dear Mr. Sidran and Mayor Paul Schell, August16, 2001 Dear Humanity, [{( (Mayor Paul Schell of Seattle and Mark Sidran of Seattle were in The New York Times August 16th, 2001; National Report; page A10: "Giuliani-Style Candidate Emerges in Seattle:.- Yes, the New York Times is just "emerging" him!)!)}] August 16, 2001 -- Giuliani-Style Candidate Emerges in Seattle Because of his advocacy of civility laws, Mark Sidran, running for mayor of Seattle, is often referred to as ``Seattle's Rudy Giuliani.'' Mr. Sidran, one of 12 mayoral candidates, is the city attorney. Mayor Paul Schell of Seattle is seeking a second term. [SEATTLE Aug. 15] -- Is Seattle ready for Rudolph W. Giuliani? That is not exactly the question before voters in next month's mayoral primary here, but given how often one candidate, Mark Sidran, is referred to as "Seattle's Rudy Giuliani," it gets a little confusing. With his advocacy of "civility laws" cracking down on aggressive panhandling, public urination and loitering, and with his promises to get tough on rowdy protesters, Mr. Sidran, the city attorney, has generated considerable attention. That is not easy in a contest in which 11 candidates are vying to oust the incumbent, Paul Schell ? including one challenger who faces charges in attacking Mayor Schell with a bullhorn recently and breaking several bones in his face. More than any other major candidate, Mr. Sidran, 50, is hammering away at the theme that people in Seattle are no longer mellow, they are mad. He says they are fed up with disorder in the city, represented daily by a growing population of loiterers that he says lends a distinctly menacing air to downtown areas. "I have people all the time comment to me about how they feel safer in Times Square than they do in Pioneer Square," Mr. Sidran said the other day, just after speaking at a Rotary Club lunch where the host introduced him as "our homegrown version of Rudy Giuliani."............... Dear Mr. Sidran and Mayor Paul Schell, August16, 2001 Wow, the New York Times! I have reached as many (probably more) people than read the New York Times! I do not care if you are interested, but I am. (Hope to see you there!) Nice photo's in the New York Times! (I do not know who is putting this event on, I am only telling you it is happening!)! Sincerely, Kenn .......... (If you have not noticed - the fish are having problems in Seattle.). In "regards" to the Seattle Times August 16, 2001; "non-controversial" article; [Seattle] Despite an apparent lack of controversy over the police shooting Monday of Devon Jackson in South Seattle, police will still convene a mandatory shooting-review board, and a public inquest into the shooting is all but certain.......... It starts with the line: "Someone": Some - other, - has to "invent", "feel", or "create" this "controversy". Way to go Seattle Times with your violent "Despite an apparent lack of controversy"; "Police review fatal shooting" 'article'; way to hide it on page A15! (Are you people on drugs? Because if you are not feeling it yet, get off the "Prozac" and your other "mood enhancers", there are real problems on the Seattle streets, and you (The Seattle Times) are really helping to create them.) Sincerely, Kenneth G. Dzaman PS; I will be publishing this letter on my own, so don't you worry your little butts about having to make any decisions on this one. I do not care what you will call me. God knows; - it is only love; and I would sure like to see the Seattle Times create more of it!). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SUICIDAL IGNORANCE: -SUICIDE IS EXECUTION; -EXECUTION IS HOMICIDE. JUST is as JUST does WITNESS SOCIETY OF SEATTLE (JJWSOS) PO BOX 85503 SEA WA 98145-1503 Suicide is personal execution. Execution is homicide (defined by a coroner). [(This letter is being published on every IndyMedia site around the world and in the US; (plus other web sites and forums); and will be sent to 2,000 activists, newspapers, and organizations (people); plus 500 in United States Federal Government; and 150 or so in local (Seattle) government: September 4th, 2001.).)]. Dear Seattle Times and The Seattle Post Intelligencer, September 4th, 2001 I have a question for the Seattle media: The "bridge jumper" August 28th, 2001; was a lobbyist in Olympia; What does she lobby for? Do you care - or know? Why do you not report it? Who cares what she lobbies for? She is obviously one of the weak, best not to talk about her. I have seen her labeled "mentally ill", "a young woman", "a legislative lobbyist in Olympia", "a public protestor"; as "distraught over a personal relationship"; "a distraught 26 year old", "a canal jumper", "threatening suicide in a public place"; I feel the only "mentally ill" feeling she has are the one's the Seattle media is choosing to ignore; It is called "intolerance towards another persons experience and feelings", and this "intolerance" creates the need for a "mental illness" for you to see and label (along with all the "other" labels.). Fine, Seattle media can ignore it all you want to, but I have one question for you; What did she lobby the Washington legislature for in Olympia? (I will be letting you and a lot of others know.). Suicide is personal execution. Execution is homicide (defined by a coroner). Homicide and terrorism is a sickness. A mentally ill culture of execution, terrorists, and suicidal people; will kill US all. WE CREATE EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE THROUGH IGNORANCE AND FEELING IGNORANCE. THE SEATTLE MEDIA CAN IGNORE THE TERRORISM THEY ARE CREATING AND LABEL IT "RESTRAINT" ALL YOU WANT; IT WILL ONLY TERRORIZE AND KILL PEOPLE; IT IS "IGNORANCE". Sincerely, September 1st, 2001 Automatic reaction - Good or Bad?. Seattle Cops shooting at Seattle cops. (What was the threat? Seattle police driving Seattle police cars?). "Officers cleared in mistaken shooting"; "Panel: Shootout between officers justified"; Automatic reaction - Good or Bad?. Seattle Cops shooting at Seattle cops. (What was the threat? Seattle police driving Seattle police cars?). Dear Editors, Journalists, Activists, The Seattle Times, and The Seattle Post Intelligencer, Seattle is ignoring the terror the Seattle Police Department is creating; - from the killing of unarmed motorists, to video taping murder, to WTO abuse, - and now; - public Seattle police officer "shootouts" on public streets! (I resided in the WTO "riot zone" and the Seattle police were very abusive all week. - And were the only people (and are) the only people in Seattle I truly fear.). Now you have the Seattle police department crashing into a Seattle police car; - while the Seattle police officers are on duty; (to "serve and protect the public"), and having a shootout with uniformed Seattle police officers and trying to kill Seattle police officers. Seattle police officers, in uniform, on duty, try to "justifiably" kill each other, and everything is "a-okay!". Maybe they shouldn't have rammed each other?- yeah, - that was the Seattle police departments mistake - they shouldn't have rammed each other. What about identifying a "potential" target or "threat" before shooting? Oh, it was done correctly and to the book? Sounds like the "legal" book on the internal investigation process of the Seattle police needs to be burned. For an internally created Seattle police department problem - that was allowed to be repeated - that created a public shootout between Seattle police officers; on Seattle streets; For it to be "labeled" a "justifiable shooting" is nothing short of ridiculous and absolute "racism" in our justice system. Ignorance, - intolerance, and hatred - is obviously going to be Seattle's "new" motto. But traffic will "flow" smoothly! Ignorance is bliss Seattle. So I will leave you to it. I am moving from Seattle September 15th, 2001. Goodbye! Sincerely, "Officers cleared in mistaken shooting"; [( By Ian Ith; Seattle Times staff reporter; Friday, August 31, 2001; - 12:00 a.m. Pacific; "Panel: Shootout between officers justified"; [( By LEWIS KAMB; SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER; [Northwest] ;Friday, August 31, 2001; [{(ABSTRACT: The best way to prepare for tomorrow is to make today's feeling consciousness serene and harmonious. All other good things will follow upon that thought. To say I am happy and trying to feel this happiness, is an act. To actually be happy, you must be annoying your self with your "good" reaction, rather than your automatic reaction. And if you "feel" your automatic reaction is "just fine", you can start there and realize, you can always do better. Try not to annoy your self with your automatic reaction, dig deeper and "surprise" your self with a different "automatic" reaction (feeling) you created before-hand, and annoy your self with it, until you don't. Then try to come up with even a "better" reaction. (example: I had a friend who was stealing money from my room. I knew he was doing this and lying to me about it. I finally caught him. Now, I could have gotten really angry and made him move (I was trying to help him out). Instead, I had thought about it beforehand, I was "ahead" of my automatic" reaction when I caught him in the act of stealing money. I let him have it. Literally, I let him keep the money he took and would not take it back (even though he offered.). I told him I did not think it was right for him to steal from me while I was trying to help him out. I let him know that if he wanted to have friends in his life, and if he wanted to even like himself, he better stop being a thief and a liar. I told him I was putting a lock on my bedroom door. He got the point, and I did not even have to yell or get too mad, because I had thought about what I was, what I was trying to do, and what was "happening". To this day. I surprise myself with the "automatic" reaction I had that day, it was "cool", it still feels "good". Jay (my friend) was 17 at that time, he was an alcoholic, so were both his parents. They abused him pretty bad. I finally did have to kick him out of my house after he brought the third gun home. He and his friends liked to steal guns whenever they could. A "transfer" of power type thing for him and his buddies. Jay died a year later by - "suicide by cop". Jay was a smart guy, he was not "dumb". He robbed a strip mall, store by store, until the police showed up, then he got in another persons car with them, and sat with them (hostage) until the police shot him with a shotgun and killed him. His parents did not go to his funeral. Another dead trauma from Littleton Colorado. Only, I have "gotten over" mine through the action I am today, where in Littleton, ignorance is bliss; - and "mental illness" blows up high schools. It is not the rage of intolerance, oh no, not in Littleton Colorado. I find it very sad to see this same rage and intolerance "not" being created in Seattle. I am moving from Seattle September 15th, 2001, before more "mentally ill" create the terrorism, you people in Seattle want to ignore and deny. (But you did see and feel it all on that bridge and with James Elledge's public execution. Washington residents are creating (and pretty much ignoring) the terrorism they are creating; this will create more terrorism.). )}] [ JJWSOS ] - JUST-is as JUST-does -WITNESS SOCIETY OF SEATTLE.] PO BOX 85503, SEA WA 98145-1503 [{( To see the completion of this essay and references - please see this public web site....thanks, Kenn )}] http://seattle.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=6320&group=webcast .............................................................. [( By SEAN AXMAKER; SPECIAL TO THE POST-INTELLIGENCER; Saturday, September 1, 2001; It's been a long road for Tim Blake Nelson to get his second feature "O" out of limbo and in front of an audience, about 1 1/2 years. "It wasn't fun," Nelson said. (For complete articles and letters see web links above and at beginning,....thanks......Kenn) |
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