ACTION_EMAIL!_HELP_SEATTLE!!_WITNESS_DIVERSITY!!!_(#s_+_Address's)!vieuxcmaq, Friday, August 17, 2001 - 11:00
SPACE 2001 (kennspace@hotmail.com)
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle -- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations..... CELEBRATE Seattle Diversity!! WITNESS'S NEEDED!!! Go Hempfest! GO RECLAIM THE STREETS and PARTY!.... [{( BURNING MAN? SEATTLE -AND- WASHINGTON IS BURNING! Subject: CONVERSATION? The Seattle Times (mainstream) creates controversy. Dear Humanity, [{( (Mayor Paul Schell of Seattle and Mark Sidran of Seattle were in The New York Times August 16th, 2001; National Report; page A10: "Giuliani-Style Candidate Emerges in Seattle:.- Yes, the New York Times is just "emerging" him!)!)}] August 16, 2001 -- Giuliani-Style Candidate Emerges in Seattle Mayor Paul Schell of Seattle is seeking a second term. [S] EATTLE, Aug. 15 ? Is Seattle ready for Rudolph W. Giuliani? That is not exactly the question before voters in next month's mayoral primary here, but given how often one candidate, Mark Sidran, is referred to as "Seattle's Rudy Giuliani," it gets a little confusing. With his advocacy of "civility laws" cracking down on aggressive panhandling, public urination and loitering, and with his promises to get tough on rowdy protesters, Mr. Sidran, the city attorney, has generated considerable attention. That is not easy in a contest in which 11 candidates are vying to oust the incumbent, Paul Schell ? including one challenger who faces charges in attacking Mayor Schell with a bullhorn recently and breaking several bones in his face. More than any other major candidate, Mr. Sidran, 50, is hammering away at the theme that people in Seattle are no longer mellow, they are mad. He says they are fed up with disorder in the city, represented daily by a growing population of loiterers that he says lends a distinctly menacing air to downtown areas. "I have people all the time comment to me about how they feel safer in Times Square than they do in Pioneer Square," Mr. Sidran said the other day, just after speaking at a Rotary Club lunch where the host introduced him as "our homegrown version of Rudy Giuliani.".................................................. (Homegrown in New York? By the New York Times? What ya up to?- New York Times? You are as subtle as an explosion!!).. Dear Mr. Sidran and Mayor Paul Schell, August16,2001 Wow, the New York Times! I have reached as many (probably more) people than read the New York Times! I do not care if you are interested, but I am. (Hope to see you there!) Nice photo's in the New York Times! (I do not know who is putting this event on, I am only telling you it is happening!)! Sincerely, Kenn This letter is posted at this and lots of other places...now.). http://seattle.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=5913&group=webcast Dear Mainstreamers of the media (The Seattle Times), August 16, 2001 (If you have not noticed - the fish are having problems in Seattle.). In "regards" to the Seattle Times August 16, 2001; "non-controversial" article; SEATTLE ? Despite an apparent lack of controversy over the police shooting Monday of Devon Jackson in South Seattle, police will still convene a mandatory shooting-review board, and a public inquest into the shooting is all but certain.......... It starts with the line: "Someone": Some - other, - has to "invent", "feel", or "create" this "controversy". Way to go Seattle Times with your violent "Despite an apparent lack of controversy; "Police review fatal shooting" 'article'; way to hide it on page A15! Sincerely, Kenneth G. Dzaman PS; I will be publishing this letter on my own, so don't you worry your little butts about having to make any decisions on this one. I do not care what you will call me. God knows; - it is only love; and I would sure like to see the Seattle Times create more of it!). Celebrate! WITNESS-SEATTLE Diversity!! - WITNESS!!! .......... (..(... Celebrate Seattle Diversity! - WITNESS! ( [] )..... ...............................(Check this out also!)! ................(Check this out also!)! ------------------------------------- Racism in the (good ole) USA I can see like a bullet raise the rent and move the dirt out of town http://www.indymedia.org:8081/front.php3?article_id=59078&group=webcast Incarceration, race, jail, prison, cannabis, drugs, mandatory minimums, drug related crime, poverty, murder, and more. Revised. Very few notes. The USA has over 2 million of the world's 8 million prisoners. So, the USA has 5% of the world's population, and 25% of the world's prisoners. The USA surpassed Russia in the year 2000 and now has the world's highest incarceration rate! It is 5 to 17 times higher than all other Western (long democratic traditions) nations. 6.3 million people were on probation, in jail or prison, or on parole at yearend 1999 in the USA. That means 3.1% of all U.S. adult residents were under correctional supervision. World Drug War Charts. JUST CHARTS! Revised. Very few notes. Tables, rates. For incarceration, race, jail, prison, cannabis, drugs, mandatory minimums, drug related crime, poverty, murder, etc.. The Prison Industrial Complex. The MAJORITY (!!!) of the over 2 MILLION U.S. inmates are incarcerated because of the insane U.S. DRUG WAR! This page was last revised Wednesday, August 15, 2001 06:22 AM -0400. This page is at Internal Investigations: (1-206-684-8797) Mayo...@ci.seattle.wa.us, mark...@ci.seattle.wa.us, ques...@wsba.org, jay....@mail.house.gov, jim....@ci.seattle.wa.us, rich...@ci.seattle.wa.us, jan....@ci.seattle.wa.us, nick...@ci.seattle.wa.us, rich...@ci.seattle.wa.us, judy...@ci.seattle.wa.us, marg...@ci.seattle.wa.us, pete...@ci.seattle.wa.us, heid...@ci.seattle.wa.us, ron....@metrokc.gov, sena...@murray.senate.gov, mar...@cantwell.senate.gov, jay....@mail.house.gov, City...@ci.seattle.wa.us, vfm...@vf.com, gove...@state.co.us, chop...@leg.wa.gov, kohl...@leg.wa.gov, somm...@leg.wa.gov, dick...@leg.wa.gov, gove...@governor.wa.gov, owen...@leg.wa.gov, m...@secstate.wa.gov, lett...@nytimes.com, opin...@seattletimes.com [{( Washington - Seattle papers, writers, media and organizations: MAINSTREAM: nbro...@seattletimes.com, trac...@seattlepi.com, olym...@olywa.net, ebai...@seattleweekly.com, jbu...@seattleweekly.com, edit...@seattle-pi.com, opin...@seattletimes.com ALTERNATIVE: e...@scn.org, robe...@seattlepi.com, jla...@seattletimes.com, read...@colorsnw.com, i...@theskanner.com, heat...@scn.org, i...@freespeechseattle.org, amne...@amnesty.org, sgon...@capecodonline.com, leon...@mindspring.com, rand...@seattleweekly.com, gpar...@seattleweekly.com, robe...@seattlepi.com, yout...@urbanleague.org, colo...@arc.org, coun...@counterpunch.org, leg...@aclu-wa.org, indy...@indypress.org, rcha...@speakeasy.org, i...@csdp.org NATIONAL US MEDIA: (mainstream and alternative): webn...@washpost.com, o...@washpost.com, lett...@latimes.com, samf...@latimes.com, lett...@denverpost.com, lett...@time.com, webl...@timeinteractive.com, webe...@newsweek.com, lett...@newsweek.com, lett...@bostonherald.com, tod...@nbc.com, m...@nbc.com, date...@nbc.com, nigh...@nbc.com, her...@herald.com, nati...@herald.com, mars...@thedailycamera.com, subm...@tabletnewspaper.com, oper...@kble.com, john...@kiroradio.com, n...@kcpq.com, chan...@calon.com, lett...@cd.columbus.oh.us, c...@cd.columbus.oh.us, vinc...@journalism.ss.rmit.oz.au, cctl...@netcom.com, conu...@clark.net, Corn...@cornell.edu, c...@cornell.edu, comm...@kksf.tbo.com, kns-...@use.usit.net, koin...@prodigy.com lett...@newsweek.com, them...@newyorker.com, lett...@time.com, lett...@usnews.com, edi...@utne.com, lett...@worldpress.org, worl...@worldwatch.org, Hera...@herald.com, jse...@onwis.com, opin...@startribune.com, tple...@aol.com, lett...@nytimes.com, lett...@azstarnet.com, kcoo...@ionet.net, edi...@usatoday.com, lett...@pilotonline.com, Lett...@edit.wsj.com, let...@twtmail.com, wee...@wichitaeagle.com, njle...@newsjournal.com, lett...@theherald.southam.ca, cal...@sunpub.com, lett...@thejournal.southam.ca, lett...@fpeditor.com, v...@thebeaconjournal.com, lett...@adn.com, cons...@ajc.com, jrnl...@ajc.com, lett...@statesman.com, lett...@baltsun.com, mail...@postherald.com, let...@globe.com, bfre...@aol.com, edi...@postandcourier.com, lett...@wvgazette.com, opin...@charlotte.com, lett...@suntimes.com, bdo...@tribune.com, lett...@enquirer.com, lett...@plaind.com, lett...@dispatch.com indy...@indypress.org, Ipad...@indypress.org, Pap...@indypress.org, Memb...@indypress.org, Dive...@indypress.org, Libr...@indypress.org, Adm...@indypress.org, pul...@owh.com, ocre...@link.freedom.com, osoi...@aol.com, lett...@pbpost.com, Inqu...@phillynews.com, Opin...@pni.com, lett...@post-gazette.com, lett...@news.oregonian.com, lett...@pressherald.com, lett...@projo.com, for...@nando.com, dced...@democratandchronical.com, lett...@denver-rmn.com, lett...@desnews.com, lett...@express-news.net, lett...@uniontrib.com, chro...@sfgate.com, lett...@examiner.com, lett...@sjmercury.com, edcy...@thestate.infi.net, lett...@postnet.com, lett...@pioneerpress.com, lett...@sptimes.com, lett...@theblade.com |
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