Kyoto Protocol Meetings / Actions to come in Bonn, Germanyvieuxcmaq, Thursday, July 19, 2001 - 11:00
Friends of the Earth Europe The Lifeboat Action Team (mutanex@aloha.net)
July 16 to 27, Bonn, Germany: World leaders will meet for the UN COME TO BONN ON JULY 21! BUILD A LIFEBOAT TO SAVE THE CLIMATE TREATY! ********************************************** http://www.foeeurope.org/lifeboat July 16 to 27, Bonn, Germany: World leaders will meet for the UN July 21st, Bonn, Germany: Friends of the Earth invites thousands EVERYONE'S WELCOME to participate in this colossal action - watch We will all construct the Lifeboat together in the middle of Bonn Buses are already planned from Bulgaria, Denmark, England, YOU CANNOT COME TO BONN? For action details, info on buses from your region, and for http://www.foeeurope.org/lifeboat **JOIN THIS YEAR'S BIGGEST CLIMATE ACTION!** The Lifeboat Action Team @ Friends of the Earth Europe |
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