
Global Village Tribunal in Genoa ::: Stirring the Cauldron

vieuxcmaq, Thursday, July 19, 2001 - 11:00

. Anonymus (

Mobilization calls from Genoa

Global Village Tribunal in Genoa


July 18, 2001 - The Global Village Canadian media analyst Marshall McLuhan wrote about forty years ago is constelated here today, on the soil of Genoa.
We have woven a web of global solidarity that exposes the lies of the
international killer elite. We are gathering in this country, in this city,
that still remembers the horror of corporatist violence, to condemn the lawless fascists in our midst.
We convene a court that demands justice. We are here to pillory the global
Mafia that prey on our children, that poison our air, our water, our soil;
that steal our water, our forests, the sacred seeds of life; that plunder
our homes and our lands; that distorts justice, that derails progress and
solutions so critical to survival of the village.
We are here to deliver an ultimatum. The villagers will no longer countenance your brutal, criminal regime. You will no longer divide and conquer, colonise and kill. We are here to hang out the Duce.
We demand restitution for the suffering children of Columbia, Iraq, the tortured of Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador; the martyrs of Vietnam, Cambodia.
Ghosts are clamouring for justice. They are gathered with us here in Genoa.
They are waiting in the village square.
The will of the people shall prevail. Listen. We address the corporatist
CEOs. We expose the squirming managerial class of the plutocratic state. We,
the people of the Global Village are gathered in Genoa (and we represent
millions more who are watching via "the medium.") to condemn the cult of
capital, and to return the commons to its rightful heirs.
We are here to topple the Church of Death. We are in Genoa, not to beg,
but to serve a summons.
From here we march forward. We surround every den of thieves. We cordon every retreat. We expose every villainous crime. Your weapons are impotent. Your rationalisations are in vain.
You are Titans no more. We twist the garrotte around your castles, your estates, your towers. We are circling your offices, your factories. We are
marching toward your homes. We are unstoppable. We are implacable. We are
the Global Village Tribunal.

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