
Filmmakers detained brief

vieuxcmaq, Thursday, April 19, 2001 - 11:00

Charlie McDougall (

Police are filmed forcing themselves into a camper as seven independent filmmakers from Winnipeg are detained in Quebec City four two hours and then released without arrest.

QUEBEC CITY (Thursday, April 19, 2001) -- Police were filmed detaining and forcing their way into a journalists'camper Wednesday.
Initially pulled over by one cruiser on suspicion of drinking and driving, the group was held at the side of the highway at the intersection of Ave. St. Sacrement and Boul. Wilfred Hamel for two hours while 15 police cars and a tow truck arrived.
Independent filmmaker Jim Kata of Winnipeg said the cops were deliberatly breaking the law under orders from their superiors.
"They knew damn well they were breaking the law and they were just following orders," Kata said in an interview Wednesday, just a couple hours after the confrontation.
"There was a motorhome driving through the city and they damn well were going to get inside."
Video from the incident shows the police reaching into the camper and grabbing the keys from the ignition. A number of officers then entered the back of the camper while the filmmakers told them they did not consent to the police entering the vehicle.
Kata said the cops ransacked the camper, took four gas masks then left after 45 minutes.
"We kept asking them if we were under arrest ... they took our names and recorded our licence number and let us go."
The filmmakers are a part of a cooperative, which is making a documentary of their experiences during the Summit of the Americas.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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