
Free Jaggi Singh!!!

vieuxcmaq, Saturday, April 21, 2001 - 11:00

Adam Davidson-Harden (

Jaggi Singh was taken, beaten and thrown in a van by 3 police
dressed as activists yesterday. Naomi Klein had been speaking
to him on a cellphone just minutes before. Racism and the
repression of civil rights have everything to do with this.


Naomi Klein reports in today's Globe and Mail (April 21) that
only minutes after she had been speaking to him on the phone,
Jaggi Singh was surrounded by three policy/security force members
dressed as activist, shoved to the ground and kicked, thrown in
an unmarked van, and driven away. When his friends tried to
liberate him, they were fought off with batons and the police
identified themselves.

The fact that Jaggi was encouraging people to move away from
the fence, and wasn't engaged in any violent activity that day
might have less to do with the fact that some powerful people
1. don't like what he has to say, 2. are apprehensive of his
name and ethnicity, 3. are apprehensive of his dark skin colour.
In short, racism and repression of free speech have a lot to do
with Jaggi's arrest. At this point, no one knows where he is
being held. Must we live in a police state rife with racism,
whether in Cincinnati or Quebec city? Must we have our civil
rights curtailed and suspended by the police and their powerful
executive at a whim?


Police and the mainstream media label the 'dangerous factions'
of protests 'anarchist', and use this as an excuse to detain
anyone, let alone an articulate, considerate individual like
Jaggi who identifies with this political ideology. Is this
Stalinist Russia, where dissidents could be rounded up and
imprisoned for their political views, despite the fact they
had done nothing? The police's labelling of Jaggi and the
CLAC is a facile excuse for repression, as anarchism or any
other political ideology has little to do with individual
acts of violence - whether the shot of a rubber bullet or
the throwing of a piece of concrete.

One of Jaggi's most powerful messages has been that the free
market inflicts violence on the world's poor and the environment.
He has been followed covertly, assaulted, had his civil rights
suspended, and his being held without any recourse. He has
made a victim of arbitrary silencing and oppression, while
leaders inside the fence muse about democracy.
What hypocrisy.

FREE JAGGI SINGH!! Bear witness to police repression!!

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