
Six Canadians arrested carrying explosives to Summit of the Americas

vieuxcmaq, Wednesday, April 18, 2001 - 11:00

ce [Via: RTS NYC] [Source: Reuters] (

Six Canadians heading for the Summit of the
Americas in Quebec City and carrying explosives and military equipment were
arrested on Wednesday, Canadian television said.

Six Canadians arrested carrying explosives to Summit of the Americas
April 18, 2001
Web posted at: 4:37 PM EDT (2037 GMT)

QUEBEC CITY (Reuters) -- Six Canadians heading for the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City and carrying explosives and military equipment were arrested on Wednesday, Canadian television said.

Quebec's LCN all-news channel said the six men would appear in a Quebec City court via video late Wednesday.

It said they were part of a well-structured organization and were arrested in Quebec after a long police investigation involving an undercover agent. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Surete du Quebec have called a joint news conference in Quebec City for 1630 EDT (2030 GMT). "We have made many arrests," Quebec City police officer Lyne Jacques told Reuters, stressing she could make no further comments ahead of the news conference.

Security has been extremely tight in the run-up to the 34-nation summit, which starts on Friday and closes on Sunday. Organizers have erected a 4-meter (13-foot) chain-link fence around the main venues and cleared a jail for those they expect to arrest.

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