
Call To Action Spring 2001 Tour Midwest/East Coast US Organizing Tour!

vieuxcmaq, Thursday, January 4, 2001 - 12:00

Faith Rubenstein (

The Call To Action 2001 Midwest and East Coast Organizing tour focusing on FTAA and Citigroup will take off from Portland Oregon on February 16, 2001. Book us now in the Midwest and on the East coast!


Call To Action (CtA) is now booking stops for our
national Spring 2001 tour. We are offering quality
skill and issue workshops focusing on the FTAA, and
its poster-child: Citigroup.

If your group is interested in tackling the Prison Industrial Complex,
Third World Debt, Forest Destruction, Predatory Lending and
Redlining as well as expanding your organizing skills, then
bring us to your town.

** Who Are We? **
CtA's mission is to build a new generation of
environmental and social justice activists with the
skills and vision necessary to create fundamental
social change. This Spring we are traveling with a
crew of 6-8 trainers selected from a pool of
nationally experienced organizers. We travel in a huge
greyhound bus and we bring the skills, knowledge, and
experience to you and your regional event!

We are available for 3-4 day action camps,
2 day regional events, and one night speaking
engagements. We're looking for hosts across the US,
we start Feb. 16 in Portland, OR and end in Quebec
City at the FTAA protests! Our trainers have worked
with Rainforest Action Network, the Ruckus Society,
Earth first!, STARC, and many community groups.

We are committed to mutual education. CtA will bring
the trainers, and we help you to create and run your
action camp/regional event, and heighten your skills.


** Preliminary List of Workshops for Spring 2001: **

Prison Industrial Complex
Citigroup Campaign (History, How-To, Tips..)
FTAA Basics (including Quebec City updates!)
Predatory Lending and Redlining
Forest Defense: Boise Cascade and Staples
Race and Class
Gender Issues
Globalization and Popular Economics

-Skill Building-
Strategic Campaign Design
Guerrilla Theatre
Direct Action (including blockades and strategies)
Consensus and Facilitation
Organizing 101
Legal Workshop for Direct Action and Mass Action
Non-Violent strategy and tactics
Corporate Research


If your heart if free, the ground you are
standing on is liberated territory. Defend it.

Michael Faith Rubenstein
Call To Action
8512 S.E. 8th Ave
Portland, OR 97202

The CtA home site, with links to upcoming tours, who we are, and resources for activists and organizers.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

Get involved !


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