
[CKUT 90.3FM] Special Focus Broadcast on Syria Uprising

CMAQ via Mic, Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 21:57

2011-09-01 07:00
2011-09-01 18:00
Radio CKUT 90.3FM, in collaboration with the Collective for Syria in Montreal

The Syrian people are heading into the sixth month of national rising up. This has been countered by regime repression, resulting in the deaths of 2200 people, including many children. The situation is urgent. Radio CKUT 90.3FM, in collaboration with the Collective for Syria in Montreal, is presenting six hours of focus programming on Thursday, September 1st between 7h and 18h.


Special Focus Broadcast on Syria

Listen: CKUT 90.3FM or

Date: Thursday, September 1st

7h-9h (en francais)
12h-14h (feminist perspective)

[ Note de Mic du CMAQ: nous présumons que c'est en anglais de 11h à 18h: à vérifier toutefois.]



The broadcast will feature the historical context of the Syrian uprising, the refusal of the Syrian people to use arms, Syria in the context of the Arab Spring, art, music and Syrian activism, social media, the Internet and Syria, and much more...

Some highlights:

7h-9h (en francais)

Overview of the Syrian struggle and Montreal solidarity with Faisal Alazem

Line Atallah and Khaled Alsadi speak about social media's role in Syrian uprising


Nadim Kobeissi of on the hacker group's “Anonymous” actions in Syria

12h-14h (feminist perspective)

Women's perspective on non-violent movment in Syria with Buschra Jalabi and Afra Jalabi

Role of youth in Syrian struggle with Hadia Sawaf

Suncor and the call for Suncor to cut ties with the Syrian regime


Haround Bouazzi on Tunisia and Syria from the Montreal Collective for Social Struggles in Tunisia

Citizen journalists uploading photos and writing reports from the front-lines have been targeted and killed by Syrian regime snipers.

Global human rights organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have detailed the targeted, systematic killings and torture of political dissidents.

Syria has been a one party state since 1964 and under the rule of one family since 1970 when the father of Syria's current dictator Bashar Assad took power.

Despite facing bullets and bombs by the Syrian military, people across Syria continue popular protests, mainly non-violent, as part of the Arab Spring revolutions that have swept the Middle East.

Join Radio CKUT 90.3FM and the Collective for Syria in Montreal by tuning in Thursday, September 1st, 7h-9h, 11h-14h and 17h-18h.


The Collective for Syria is an initiative of Syrian-Canadians and their allies working in support of the popular, nonviolent uprising for freedom, justice and democracy in Syria. We are not aligned with any political party or ideology but support the legitimate demands of the Syrian people for dignity and freedom for all. For more information:

CKUT is a non-profit, campus-community radio station based at McGill University. CKUT provides alternative music, news and spoken word programming to the city of Montreal and surrounding areas, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, run by hundreds of volunteers and a few staff. Hear us at 90.3 MHz on the FM dial, 91.7 by cable, or listen on-line.

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