
Anarchist Arrested at Anti-Austerity Demo

Anonyme, Saturday, March 12, 2011 - 20:44

Today, March 12, 2011, 12 people were arrested at an anti-austerity demonstration in Montreal, QC. The demo, which was around 3000 strong( or should we say 3000 weak?), was organized by various student and worker’s unions throughout the city. A group of anarchists chose to insert themselves into this demonstration, but were isolated by the unions and the lack of a larger anarchist presence.

The unions, those disgusting organizations that have turned themselves into state collaborators, and demo “security” continued to push the anarchists to the back of the demo. At this point a swarm of between 30-50 riot police on foot and horseback encircled everyone dressed in black. It was later confirmed that this was the “preventative arrests” squad who were deployed to break up the contingent.

Some people were able to fight their way out, but twelve people were arrested. The mounted police formed a circle around the group being arrested to prevent anyone to pass through. The union security formed an outer ring to help the police in their efforts. Everyone else stood by passively with the exception of a dozen or so sideliners who shouted “Porc, Flics, Assassin,” and “let them go”, which in presence of the crowd seemed to fall upon the dead ears of the unionists. A lack of rage and action penetrated the rest of the demo as people marched obediently from point A to point B. Many of us who just narrowly escaped police hands had lost our voices trying to get through to the crowd. Their pathetic fighting spirit did nothing to help free our comrades from the guard dogs of the state.

The Montreal Gazette has reported that ten people are being charged with conspiracy, any details beyond this are unknown. A solidarity demonstration is being planned for 9pm outside of their holding cells.

This is a continuation of targeted state repression against anarchists, which is not something that surprises us but instead just increases our rage and desire to act against them. Conspiracy is becoming a big deal.

Solidarity is our Weapon. Confrontation must spread.
Fuck the Police and their collaborators.


Aujourd’hui, le 12 mars 2011, 12 personnes on étéarrété a une manifestation contre le budget de la province du québec, à montréal. La manifestation d’eviron 3000 fort (disonsfaible)a été organiser par diver syndicats et group d’étudiants. Un ensemble d’anarchistesontchoisi de participé à la manifestations. Ils se sonttrouvéisoler par les syndicats et aussi par un manque de présence anarchist plus grande. Les syndicats (organisations dégoutable qui choisissentce temps ci de collaborer avec l’état) et la “sécurité” de la manifestation ontpoussé le bloc anarchiste en arrière de la manifestation. A ce point ci, 30 à 50 policiers à pied et à cheval ontencerclé tout le mondehabiller en noir. Ça a été confirmer que la brigade policièreest un group qui spécialise à faire des “arrestationspréventive.”

Quelquepersonnesontpuéchapé au contrôlepolicier, mais 12 camarades se sonttrouvéarrété. La police à cheval ontencreclé le group et ontempéché au gens d’intervenir. La “sécurité” des syndicatsontcréer un cadre défensif pour défendre la police. La pluspart du monde a resterpassif, avec l’exceptiond’unedouzaine de personnes qui crier “porc, flics, assassins” et “libérénoscamarades,” maiscescrisontseullementtrouvé les oreillessourdes de membre syndical. Le reste de la manifestation a continuer de marcher avec obéissance du point A au point B, sans rage et sans actions. Leur esprit combatif a étépathétique et n’ariendonner à nos efforts pour libérénoscamarades du contrôle des chiens de gardes de l’état.

La Gazette de Montréal a reportéquedixpersonnesferont face àdes accusations de complot dans le but de commettre un crime (conspiration), toutesautredétailsont inconnu. Une manifestation en solidarité avec les inculpésprendra place a 21 heures (à montréal) al’entour du poste de police ouilssontdétenu.

Cetattaquecontrenoscamaradesn’estqu’une continuation de la répressionciblé par l’étatcontre les anarchist. Ca nous surprends pas, maissurementaugementenotre rage etnos desires d’agircontreeux. Les accusations de conspirationsdeviennentsérieuses.

La solidaritéestnotre arm la plus forte. Que les confrontations s’étandent.
Nique la police et leurs collabo!

Michael Lessard...
Sat, 2011-03-12 21:30

Évidemment, vu qu'il s'agit d'une plateforme de publication libre, nous publions malgré que la version française ici soit illisible.

EDITION : La version anglophone était en-dessous... Vu le titre uniquement anglophone et que la version francophone est illisible, j'ai mis la version anglophone au-dessus.

Il serait fort appréciable que soit publiée une nouvelle version avec des espaces entre les mots et ayant subie le simple traitement d'un logiciel gratuit d'orthographe.

Michaël Lessard [me contacter]
de l'équipe de validation du CMAQ

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About the security there
Michael Lessard...
Sat, 2011-03-12 21:40

I could be wrong, but the security volunteers at that spot were most probably not from the trade unions, but ordinary folks from various groups.

I greatly doubt they helped the police : that seems to be your gut reaction to the fact that they did not move or try to interfere. Yes, people are afraid of the police and are aware of the high risks and consequences of "obstructing".

Are you sure that group was pushed to the rear by organizers ?  Because I saw plenty of anarchists, with scarves on their faces, as a group, walking freely across the protests.

I think your perception may be biased by your anger at the inaction of other protesters and how that group was isolated easily by the police.  I agree that was a sad sight and people seemed a bit numb in my opinion.

Michaël Lessard [me contacter]

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