
Call-out for Anarchist participation on March 12th

Anonyme, Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - 03:24

This upcoming Saturday a demonstration has been called by the labour and student unions in Montreal to draw attention to the current budget cuts that are being proposed by the liberal government. We, as anarchists, are done with demanding from the government maintenance of the current social order. The tyrannical conditions of the state did not work for us yesterday, and they certainly will not work for us tomorrow, no matter what they place on their agenda. In this case, the issues at hand are not the issue. It is our relationships and existence within society that we care to focus on.

Capitalist society perpetuates the illusion that equality is possible in our present situation. This logic suggests that “success” is a material end goal that can be achieved by everyone if they just work hard enough. This, however, is one of society’s strongest myths. The basic function of capitalism is to create social hierarchies based on power relationships and material wealth. This is a power that is exercised daily by the bosses, judges, police, bureaucrats, and executioners. There needs to be a lower class to serve the elite, a servant to the boss and in this truth the push to “stop the cuts” means nothing when we look at the larger system of domination that we are subject to in our daily efforts to survive.

By continuing to climb these social ladders, by attempting to “save the middle class” we are reinforcing the vicious empty cycle created by the state under capitalism. For those of us whom the reality of “getting by” means living in precarious conditions and increasing debt, a budget couldn’t matter less. At the end of the day we are still forced to reset our alarm clocks and continue our assigned roles within this shit society.

Therefore, when we take to the streets on Saturday, it will not be with an agenda to beg for any other reform within the liberal budget. It will be to, within the demonstration, unleash all of the fury and fear that has built up inside of us over the days and years that we have wasted in our roles of passive servitude. In our day-to-day lives these sensations of misery and refusal are emotions that we suppress in our isolation. When we exist in the streets with a collective desire to express all that we have hidden, we find a unique strength that breaks our loneliness and removes the label of worker or student, good or bad citizen. In our collectivity, we become uncontrollable.

We encourage everyone with a hate on for the state to come prepared.

Because it’s a matter of choice—we choose to fight against the infrastructure of today rather than to demand its maintenance.

-some anarchists

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