
Moscou/Khimki : new attempted murder of a Russian activist (antifascist and ecologist)

CMAQ via Mic, Wednesday, September 8, 2010 - 21:51

On September 2, around 11pm, windows of a flat of one of anti-fascists, Vladimir Skopintsev, who is registered in Troitsk, Moscow region, were shot at using a gun. When the shooter saw a silhouette of a person in the window — that was Vladimir’s younger brother, Andrey, – a shot was made and a bullet passed near Andrey’s head.

Police was called to the crime scene, but instead of investigating the case, policemen have taken Andrey and his father to the local police station. Andrey’s father was asked to wait in the corridor, while his son was taken into a room, where the policemen threatened him with criminal prosecution for extremism and started to beat him up. Read the entire article here »»

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