
[Free Gaza Flotilla] Jewish Ship to Gaza from Europe

Anonyme, Wednesday, July 7, 2010 - 19:41

Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians

06 / 06 / 2010
Free Gaza Flotilla
Jewish-sponsored Ship

Canada fund drive support from the Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians

The Jewish dissident organization, the Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians is launching a fund drive to support the European Jewish ship to Gaza, in order to bring provisions to the 1.5 million Palestinian refugees living there under a siege imposed by Israel and Egypt.

Donors will be provided with a tax-deductible receipt for income-tax purposes which will allow for deductions totalling around 40%, so allowing for greater contributions to be made than would otherwise be possible. The sponsoring charitable organization is La Galerie Fokus, a registered charity # 132450230 RR0001 . Cheques should be made out to La Galerie Fokus with the designation 'ACJC Gaza ship' on the memo line. Registered receipts will be returned within a month's time. The charity address follows here.

68, ave. DULUTH E.
Plateau Mont-Royal
Montréal, QC
H2W 1G8

514 284 66 42

incorporation du Québec 2737-1384
organisme de bienfaisance enregistré 132450230 RR0001

European Communiqué

The Jewish boat to Gaza is sailing soon

Press release, June 4, 2010

In a harbour in the Mediterranean (we're not yet disclosing which one) a small vessel is waiting for a special mission. She will be sailing to Gaza. In order to avoid sabotage, the exact date and name of the port of departure will be announced only shortly before her launch.

"Our purpose is to call an end to the siege of Gaza, to this illegal collective punishment of the whole civilian population. Our boat is small, so our donations can only be symbolic: we are taking school bags, filled with donations from German school children, musical instruments and art materials. For the medical services we are taking essential medicines and small medical equipment, and for the fishermen we are taking nets and tackle. We are liaising with the medical, educational and mental health services in Gaza.

''In attacking the Freedom Flotilla, Israel has once again demonstrated to the world a heinous brutality. But I know that there are very many Israelis who compassionately and bravely campaign for a just peace. As broadcasting journalists from mainstream television programmes are accompanying our boat, Israel will have a great chance to show the world that there is another way, a way of courage not fear, a way of hope not hate'', says Edith Lutz, one of the organizers and passenger on the ''Jewish boat''.

The ''Jüdische Stimme'' (Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Near East), along with her friends of EJJP (European Jews for a Just Peace in the Near East) and Jews for Justice For Palestinians (UK) are sending a call to the leaders of the world to help Israel find her way back to reason, a sense of humanity and a life without fear. ''Jewish Voices'' expects the political leaders of Israel and the world to guarantee a safe passage for the small vessel to Gaza, thus helping to form a bridge towards peace.

Edith Lutz, EJJP-Germany +15204519740
Kate Leiterer, EJJP- Germany +1629660472472
Glyn Secker, Jews for Justice For Palestinians (UK)


Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians
Alliance de Canadiens/nes juifs/ves consternés/es

68, ave. Duluth E.
Montréal, Québec H2W 1G8 Canada
514 284 66 42

News&discussion / nouvelles List/e:

Funding Agency : La Galerie Fokus
Info on tax-deductible donations


Abraham Weizfeld
Administrative Secretary ACJC

Attachment(s) from Abraham (eibie) Weizfeld
1 of 1 File(s)

Abraham Weizfeld
Jewish opposition to Zionist occupation

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