
Vote for a good cause - "Top 10 of the very worst racists"

Anonyme, Tuesday, May 18, 2010 - 12:23

Apatrides anonymes

Breaking news from the Apatrides anonymes, which you've all been impatiently waiting for!

The "Top 10 Worst Racists" in Quebec and Canada is now available online at

You can also get copies of our Top 10 brochure at the following places: student union Cégep du Vieux-Montréal, Café Aquin (UQAM), Café Tousky, Qpirg-Concordia and Qpirg-Mcgill, CKUT, CIBL, Immigrant
Workers Center, anarchist bookstore L'insoumise, anarchist library DIRA, Maison Norman Bethune, and Rhizome.

Who will claw their way to the top at the Racist Scumbag Prize Gala? It's up to you to decide! Vote online at

Racist Scumbags Campaign
For a long time, Apatrides anonymes has ldenounced security laws and paranoid immigration policies which oppress migrants, often separating families and shattering dreams of reconstructing life. This is why we are launching a campaign to expose the voices and faces of racism in Quebec and Canada. Those who, through their hatred and their words, feed prejudice and fear of the other.

Our aim is to decry and denounce people and institutions whose vicious actions, writings and talk ooze with latent racism - a racism that is already far too wide spread and that is largely accepted by much of the population.

Top 10 Racist Scumbags
Every day, racist individuals and institutions are at work around us; helping to divide and exclude, and continually expanding the limits of the acceptable. The government creates laws, deports, imprisons, and sends people to torture; police apply racist laws and carry out racial profiling; columnists - channels of communication for this institutionalized violence - stigmatize people and entire communities with complete impunity.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

Get involved !


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