
Justice for Anas: Solidarity in court and picket this thursday January 21st, 2010!

Anonyme, Monday, January 18, 2010 - 12:07
2010-01-21 09:30
2010-01-21 16:30

Montreal's Palais de Justice
1 Notre-Dame East
Champs-de-mars metro

Justice for Anas Coalition

Justice for Anas: Solidarity in court and picket this thursday January 21st, 2010!

9AM-4h30PM, Thursday January 21st, 2010
Palais de Justice, 10 rue St-Antoine E.
Champs-de-mars metro
12:30PM, Thursday January 21st, 2010
Palais de Justice, 1 rue Notre-Dame E.
Champs-de-mars metro

The Justice for Anas Coalition just learned that the hearings on the motion of the Montreal Police Brotherhood to cancel the coroner's public inquiry into the death of Mohamed Anas Bennis, who was killed by a police officer on December 1st, 2005 in Côte-des-Neiges, will resume this Thursday January 21st, 2010. We are inviting all supporters and the public to come to the hearings to express our opposition to the Brotherhood's motion and to show our support for the Bennis family in heir struggle to discover the truth about the death of Anas. The hearings will resume this Thursday at 9:30AM at the Montreal Palais de Justice. Ask at the front desk where the hearings for the motion of the Fraternité des Policiers et Policières de Montréal (FPPM), in Superior Court.
We also invite you to join us during lunchtime to take part in a picket at 12:30PM in front of the Palais de Justice, at 1 rue Notre-Dame East (Champs-de-mars metro). This will be our last chance to make our selves heard before judge Claude Champagne who will decide if the coroner's public inquiry will take place or not.
On June 29th and 30th, 2009, the lawyers of the police, the Brotherhood and the City of Montreal and Quebec gave their arguments together against the coroners public inquiry. As shocking as it may seem, the lawyer of the City of Montreal Pierre-Yves Boisvert is taking the side, in this file, of the officers and against the Bennis family and against the public! On January 21st, 2010, judge Champagne will hear the arguments of Alain Arsenault, lawyer of the Bennis family. The lawyer of the Quebec coroner's office is the only government official who is defending the right of the coroners to do their public inquiries in this case...
For the past four years, the family is waiting to receive answers to their questions. If the police have nothing to hide, then why are they doing everything they can to stop us from finally having a public inquiry on Anas' death? While the Brotherhood is saying that the public inquiry is "useless", let's make ourselves heard loud and clear that the Bennis family and the public have a right to the truth and justice. No to impunity! Justice for Anas!

For more informations:
Justice for Anas Coalition
514.342.2111 - -

Hearings and picket CANCELLED!!!
François Du Canal
Wed, 2010-01-20 15:24

CANCELLED!! -- Solidarity in court and rally

We apologise for the last-minute nature of this message, but we just
received news this morning, via Alain Arsenault (the Bennis family
lawyer), that Claude Champagne (the judge presiding over the hearings
initiated by the Montreal Police Brotherhood to quash a coroner's
inquiry from taking place into the death of Anas Bennis) has postponed
the hearings he himself had set for tomorrow, Thursday, January 21,
2010. A new date for the continuation of the hearings have not been set.

Accordingly, please note that the Justice for Anas Coalition's call for
court support and the lunchtime rally have been cancelled.

The Coalition will continue to send updates, as we receive them, on our
announcement list. Please stay in touch.

In Solidarity,

The Justice for Anas Coalition


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