pièce/play Truth and Treason (Sept 11)Michael Lessard..., Wednesday, September 2, 2009 - 11:19 2009-09-11 20:30 2009-09-19 14:00 ( Français / English ) Du 9 au 19 septembre 2009, en première mondiale, le Truth and Treason aborde, sans peur, la trame La pièce est présentée tous les jours à 20h30, et à 14h la fin de semaine, jusqu'au 19 septembre. Les 11, 13 et 19 septembre, les représentations Pour plus d'information, lisez le reste du message ci-dessous Solidairement, VIDÉO : bande annonce (en anglais) / promo video:
TRUTH AND TREASON: POWERFUL - PROVOCATIVE - PERSONAL WORLD PREMIERE AT THE MONUMENT NATIONAL Teesri Duniya Theatre launches the world premiere play Truth and Treason written by Rahul Varma and directed by Arianna Bardesono. It is a fearlessly told contemporary story exploring the war on terror as well as terror itself. It brings war to a personal level and explores the themes of fundamentalism, consciousness and love. Director Arianna Bardesono says: Riding the refreshing ‘wind of change’ brought by Obama’s presidency and acknowledging the enlightened mood that has spread among other world leaders; being aware of the growing threat of nuclear weapons and space militarization, and of the many difficulties that our planet is presently facing; caring for the future of our race and for the present safety of our dears: Truth and Treason is a play not to miss.
For interviews or more information: Call 514.848.0238 Contact Linda Levesque, General Manager or Stephanie Lambert, Production & PR Assistant i...@teesriduniya.com 1006 rue de la Montagne, Suite 111, Montreal, Qc H3G 1Y7
Panel discussions following Truth and Treason’s performances 1) Is the invasion of Iraq a legitimate self-defense by the United States following events of 9/11? What about other 9/11’s that the media doesn’t talk about? Friday Sept. 11 2009 (following the 8:30 PM show) With Raymond Legault, from Echec à la Guerre as a panelist Is the invasion of Iraq a legitimate response to the horrific events of 9/11, 2001 or was it a continuum of an undeclared war in the making through successive US administrations? Was it a “war on terror” or “war of aggression”? What role has Canada played? Our panelists discuss these issues behind the issues.
2) Has the status of women improved since the war? Sunday Sept. 13 2009. (following the 2PM show) With Martine Eloy, from Echec à la Guerre as a panelist The coalition against terrorism claimed that military intervention was necessary to liberate women from oppression. Has there been any progress in the status of women, or has appropriating women’s oppression been the ploy to further oppress them? Based on gender balance sheet of the invasion, our panel discusses issues related to women under war.
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