
Dr. Uri Davis: Apartheid Israel - Possibilities for the struggle within

Michael Lessard..., Saturday, June 20, 2009 - 15:51
2009-06-27 19:30

Université de Montréal
3200 Jean Brillant, Room B0215

Stationnement gratuit / Free Parking:
Garage Louis-Colin: 5255, avenue Louis-Colin
( Le Garage Louis-Colin se situe au coin de la rue Louis-Colin/Jean-Brillant et de la rue McKenna.
Located at the corner of Louis-Colin, Jean-Brillant et McKenna.)

carte ci-dessous / map below

Down-to-earth options for the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Dr. Uri Davis, has devoted his academic work since 1975 to a critical examination of the philosophy and practice of political Zionism. He has published many books and articles on this subject and is considered to be one of the foremost researchers in his field. His most-known books include:

- Israel: An Apartheid State, Zed Books, London, 1987 & 1990;
- The Jewish National Fund, Kegan Paul International, London, 1988 (in association with Walter Lehn);
- Citizenship and the State: A Comparative Study of Citizenship Legislation in Israel, ordan, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, Ithaca Press, London, 1997;
- Apartheid Israel: Possibilities for the Struggle Within, Zed Books, London, 2003

Uri Davis has been active in the field of defending human rights in general, and the rights of the Palestinian people in particular since 1965. He is the chairperson of AL-BEIT: Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Israel; senior director for legal and political affairs of Mosaic Communities: Association for Multinational Housing in Israel; Honorary Research Fellow at the Universities of Exeter and Durham in the UK; and Observer-Member of the Palestinian National Council (PNC).

Admission $10 to cover tour costs.

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