
Action needed: journalists reporting on trafficking of women sentenced to 12 years of "reform through hard labor" by North Korea

Michael Lessard..., Tuesday, June 9, 2009 - 14:10

On March 17th, two American journalists - Euna Lee and Laura Ling - were taken into custody by the North Korean military. The two women were reporting on the trafficking of women along the border with China.
The women were charged with "hostile acts" and illegally entering the country, then sentenced to 12 years of "reform through hard labor."

:: included here: quick links to know more, video, and cyberactions !

On March 17th, two American journalists - Euna Lee and Laura Ling - were taken into custody by the North Korean military. The two women were reporting on the trafficking of women along the border with China.
The women were charged with "hostile acts" and illegally entering the country, then sentenced to 12 years of "reform through hard labor."

We call on the Government of North Korea to release Euna and Laura on humanitarian grounds. These women are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters; they are missed by their families and friends, who would like to see them safe and back at home.

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