
Help us stop Sweden's Tennis match with Israel

Anonyme, Saturday, January 24, 2009 - 17:28

"The state of Israel is to us an enemy of world peace, which must be forced to comply with the international rule of law. Therefore, Israel must be duly judged for its crimes against humanity committed against the Palestinian people" write Latin Americans living i Sweden in a statement i which, among other things, they demad that the Swedish Tennis Association suspends a Davis Cup match with Israel scheduled for march 6th trough 8th.

This document can be signed as well by comrades that are not Latin American or who do not live in the south of Sweden. We need the support from the whole world to stop this match. The names of the signatories who are not Latin Americans living in Sweden will be listed separately.

Please answer before January 31st by e-mail to j_capelan(at), Subject: "Declaration on Palestine". Write your name, organization (optional) and city.

Jorge Capelán

Swedish version.
Spanish version.

Declaration of the Latin Americans residing in Sweden on the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people by the Israeli state.

This last aggression of Israel on Gaza is the last phase of the ethnic cleansing and genocide started in 1948.

We, the Latin Americans who reside in Sweden, have always been unwavering enemies of antisemitism in the world. This is not only because of the ongoing debate in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe, but because of our own experience as victims of US state terrorism.This terrorism was carried out by the US with the help of Israel, even when the governments that have benefited from their cooperation have been antisemitic and Nazi-fascist ones like Videla's in Argentina, Rios Montt's in Guatemala, or drug-trafficking paramilitary governments like Àlvaro Uribe Vélez' in Colombia.

The state of Israel is to us an enemy of world peace, which must be forced to comply with the international rule of law. Therefore, Israel must be duly judged for its crimes against humanity committed against the Palestinian people.

To start with, Israel must be made to comply with the dozens of UN resolutions that the Security Council, throughout the years, has issued. Among these are Resolution 242, which demands Israel's withdrawal to the borders of 1967, and Resolution 194, which stipulates the right of the Palestinians forced to flee during the war of 1948 to return to their homeland. Israel must also comply with all the resolutions demanding the dismantling of the illegal settlements in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem, those demanding an end to the illegal expropriations of land, those condemning Israel’s unilateral annexation of Jerusalem, etcetera.

Cuba broke relations with Israel the 9th of September, 1973. In January 2009, Bolivia and Venezuela followed suit. We support the steps taken by these Latin American countries as well as the measures taken by the President of the General Assembly of the UN, the Nicaraguan Miguel D'Escoto Brockman, in order to achieve an international condemnation of the crimes perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinian people.

Compliance by Israel to the rules for peaceful coexistence among nations is the first necessary step for a peaceful solution to so-called "conflict" in the Middle East. Without this, any initiative taken to end the violence in the region will be pure demagogy.

We give our support to the resolution adopted by the majority of the 142 countries of the General Assembly of the UN, which we consider to be the most democratic organ of the institution because in it are represented its 192 members and not a single one of them has veto power.

We support all kinds of measures aimed at boycotting the illegal actions of the State of Israel, whether political, economic, cultural or of sport competitions, that have as an objective to force Israel to abide by the rule of international law. We demand that the Swedish Tennis Association suspend immediately the Davis Cup match scheduled to take place in Malmö from the 6th to the 8th of March, 2009.

We want a Palestine in which Muslims, Jews, Christians, believers of other religions and atheists can live together in peace, as it has been for the last 2000 years.


Pepe Viñoles, Malmö
Ana María Sabio, AMASU - Svensk-kubanska föreningen, Malmö
Omar Diessler, AMASU - Svensk-kubanska föreningen, Malmö
Victoria Gonzalez, Växjö
Vania Ramírez León, Comité por la libertad de los 5, Stockholm
Aliro Cerda, Comité por la libertad de los 5, Stockholm
Carlos Valle, Revista La lanza (, Radio Nueva América (94.2 FM), Stockholm
Rosalia Sanles, Svensk-Kubanska Föreningen, Stockholm
Amelia Morey Strömberg, i representation för Asociación cultural Colibrí de Rimbo och Grupo e apoyo a Bolivia en Norrtälje
Jeannette Escanilla, fullmäktigeledamot Vänsterpartiet, Uppsala
Ana Luisa Escobar, Malmö
Jorge Capelán, Malmö
Yvonne Törjék, Insamligsstiftelsen Kunskap för Framsteg för Implementation of de Mänskliga Rättigheterna, Stockholm
Jorge Villalobos, Norrköping
Rui Almeida, Dalby
Rafael (Videla) Monberg, Växjö
Aurora de Videla, Växjö
Mariano Videla, Växjö
Mauricio Videla, Växjö
Mario Parada, Malmö
Hugo Díaz, SKP, Malmö
Alberto Muñoz Andrade, Stockholm
María M. Acuna, Stokholm
Magsalena Acuña, Stockholm.
Gloria Duran, Stockholm.
Zulema Cesped
Eliana Gonzales, Växjö
Viginia Martinez, Järfälla
Jaime Larenas M., Norrköping
Edgardo Azilde Leal, Lund
Carlos Mendez, Svensk Kubanska Föreningen, Malmö
Maria Ferrer, Svensk Kubanska Föreningen, Malmö
Amalia Alvarez, syndikalist, Sverige
Gladys Vigouroux, Stockholm
Alfredo Zanzi, Stockholm
Sergio Montes, Malmö
Mirna Castro, Malmö
Milton Castro, Lund
David Díaz, Malmö
Víctor Díaz, Malmö
Teresita Cesá, Malmö
Simón Brante, Simrishamn
Eira Capelán, Lund
Catalina Machuca, Lund
Sandra Donyo, Lund
Pedro Cohen, Lund
Viviana Scheuregger, Nybro

Other signataries:

Ulf Hultberg, Stockholm
Eva Björklund, Sverige
Dick Emanuelsson, journalist, Sverige (bosatt i Latinamerika)
Salah Ahmine, Managua, Nicaragua
Zoltan Tiroler, Svensk-Kubanska Föreningen, Jönköping
Agneta Norberg, Stockholm
Maria Söderquist, Lund
Oscar Alvarez, Chile
Julia Alvarez, Chile
Andrea Alvarez, Chile
Ronny Gutierrez, sindikalist, Chile
María del Camino Raquel Fernández Gago, Managua, Nicaragua
Martin Larsson, Syndikalist, Sverige
Ida Olssen, Malmö
Aiman Assalides, Malmö
Nissam Ahmad, Malmö
Akram El Hissi, Malmö
Maria Strömberg, Malmö
Kicki S. Hedman, Falun
Karin Sjöstedt, Malmö
Unn Segrén, Malmö
Helena Mortimer, Malmö
Ali Aza, Landskrona
Imad Sarros, Landskrona
H. Khodadi, Malmö
Olle Parck, Simrishamn
Tessy Lövkvist, Ystad
Nouruzi Muhammad, Malmö
Ola Nilsson, Malmö
Jonas Ek, Malmö
Astrit Nezirai, Malmö
Artan Fetahn, Malmö
Merita Fetahn, Malmö
Ella Daoud, Malmö
Marwa Assi, Malmö
Jonas Eriksson, Malmö
Mårten Möller, Lund
Montasen Eneim, Malmö
Adaleta Eneim, Malmö
Tove Lundin, Lund
Andrea Cabak, Lund
Ellie Cijvat, Malmö
Suzanne Nafah, Malmö
Chirstian Olsen, Malmö
Olle Möllerberg, Malmö
Marianne Pettersson, Malmö
Mahmoud Abu Kubah, Holma
M. Hallgren, Malmö
Faten Amin, Malmö
Samy Al Sadik, Malmö
Susanne Johammar, Malmö
Mervat Shirgawi, Malmö
Oliver Christensen, Ronne, Danmark
Helene Christense, Ronne, Danmark
Emma Langran, Simrishamn
Hava Langran, Simrishamn
Johanna Far, Malmö
Esva Ali, Malmö
Sara Ali, Malmö
Salah Ali, Malmö
Iman Toumah, Malmö
Nesim Toumah, Malmö
Hadima Toumh, Malmö
Nasina Abelzai, Malmö
Chymen Bassaidi, Malmö
Sassi Bassaidi, Malmö
Aba Bassaidi, Malmö
Zolta Abedelreman, Malmö
Anna Palmqvist, Malmö
Melisa Nellhov, Malmö
Esad Henic, Malmö
Peter Nilssen, Oxie - Malmö
Ergin Kaya, Malmö
Vechamo Fujic, Malmö
Johanna Månson, Hässleholm
Marianne Backström, Malmö
Erik Svensson, Malmö
Lars Krumm, Lund
Samer Daabas, Sverige
Amid Fayoum, Malmö
Maja Backlund, Malmö

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