
Genocide in Gaza says Michael Warschawski: "Sanctions Now - Upgrading Hell No!"

Michael Lessard..., Thursday, December 25, 2008 - 16:31

Written by Michael Warschawski (Israel), Alternative Information Center (AIC), December 2, 2008.

Several years ago, the late Tanya Reinhart used the word “genocide” to describe the harsh repression of the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories by Israel; I was among those who criticized her for using too strong of a concept. From where you are now, forgive me Tanya, because you were right and saw the true nature of the Israeli plans, and I was dead wrong: the State of Israel is conducting a rampant genocide against the people of Gaza, using the weapon of near-starvation, electricity cuts and deprivation of drinking water, provoking epidemics and preventing basic health-care. Read here »»»

[ EDITORIAL NOTE by Mic for the CMAQ)

Auto-published and auto-promoted to the Front page due to its urgency. ]

Update - Urgency in December 20008
Michael Lessard...
Thu, 2008-12-25 22:30

The Israeli government is preparing to attack Gaza. "Our" média only mention this attack and the rockets —these rockets that have not caused a single death since the truce— yet meanwhile the population of Gaza suffers massively.

We can presume that this attack will be important and deadly (and not "surgical") but, above all, this blockade will continue to have a violent impact that the media cannot see. The damned vampiric media can only see the blood and the bombs, they cannot see the hundreds of thousands who suffer, despair and die slowly.

Michaël Lessard [To leave me a messagee]

Siriel-Média: citizen-media on 'policies of mass destruction'

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