Police killings, biased investigations, impunity... NEVER AGAIN!Anonyme, Wednesday, December 3, 2008 - 13:09
The Coalition against Repression and Police Abuse (CRAP)
The Coalition against Repression and Police Abuse (CRAP) denounces the whitewash given to Jean-Loup Lapointe -the officer who killed 18 year old Fredy Villanueva on the 9th of August 2008 in Montreal North- that stands as the latest proof that in Quebec police impunity is alive and well. During a press conference Louis Dionne, the director of criminal and penal prosecusion, announced that no accusasions will be laid against officer Lapointe and his partner Stephanie Pilotte since they haven't commited any "criminal infractions". We will continue to demand justice for Fredy and that officer Lapointe should be accused for commiting the crime of shooting 4 bullets at unarmed youth, who where playing a game of dice in Henri-Bourassa Park, which left one victim dead and two others wounded.(...) Official statement of the Coalition against Repression and Police Abuse (CRAP) Police killings, a biased inquiry, impunity... NEVER AGAIN! Montreal, December 3rd, 2008-The Coalition against Repression and Police Abuse (CRAP) denounces the whitewash given to Jean-Loup Lapointe -the officer who killed 18 year old Fredy Villanueva on the 9th of August 2008 in Montreal North- that stands as the latest proof that in Quebec police impunity is alive and well. During a press conference Louis Dionne, the director of criminal and penal prosecusion, announced that no accusasions will be laid against officer Lapointe and his partner Stephanie Pilotte since they haven't commited any "criminal infractions". We will continue to demand justice for Fredy and that officer Lapointe should be accused for commiting the crime of shooting 4 bullets at unarmed youth, who where playing a game of dice in Henri-Bourassa Park, which left one victim dead and two others wounded. Truth and Justice for Fredy Villaneuva and his loved ones! Lapointe is Guilty! For more information: coal...@hotmail.fr
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