
Time for Obama

Anonyme, Thursday, November 6, 2008 - 14:44


Already published the results of the presidential elections in the United States of America. We are witnessing an act insílito in the history of that nation, after years of brutal racism and discriminacón toward the African American community, no one imagined that an individual would be Black president.

Already published the results of the presidential elections in the United States of America. We are witnessing an act insílito in the history of that nation, after years of brutal racism and discriminacón toward the African American community, no one imagined that an individual would be black president.
From this day begins the expectation. Will there be changes in U.S. foreign policy? How are relations with Latin America? ¿Finish speech hostile to Venezuela, Cuba, the Middle East and other nations? Obama has the task of cleaning up a little bad image left by Bush and his clique. Middle Earth was proclaimed by the outgoing president as an enemy of the Union, third world countries were threatened with war.
Each new president creates the expectation of change. The commentary and thoughts of Cubans is that if there will be changes in policy toward Cuba if the blockade will end. In 50 years have rotated by the White House Democrats and Republicans, instead of improvements noted with either the president has hardded stance against Cuba. Believe that this man will destroy the illusion with lock is something that is impossible. You may be experiencing changes, only that Obama would allow American citizens to travel freely to Cuba is a guarantee of their promises.
The key word of Obama's speech was a change, maybe they are just fine words to turn his back to the electorate and then respond to the interests of the lords of the money they are demanding presidential action to avoid falling into bankruptcy. Being president of the United States involves having commitments in the areas of power during the election campaign were the ones who made millions in money that covered the expenses of that electoral contest.
It has started when Obama, are 4 years to evaluate, judge, criticize and compare their cunning and intelligence quotient.

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