
Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes

Anonyme, Monday, August 11, 2008 - 17:58

Rainbow Hawk

Your Gathering is progressing very well and you are invited to volunteer to help make it even better.

Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes
Update 5 August, 2008
Howdy Folks

We have our new Website up and running, with more inter-active features for volunteering, etc.
Although all the basics are together in that site it is still under construction.
Everybody wanting to announce events you may be planning, links to your URLs/websites you want on the site, Caravans, Workshops, Ongoing Community involvement plans, things you’d like to volunteer for at the Gathering and before (Seed Camp/Set-Up) etc. can be entered on the Volunteer Form page along with your comments, and you should send the info to the website for additions.
Things continue to progress very well and the Second Global Rainbow Gathering of the Tribes has been shared at every Gathering worldwide since announced in May, plus thousands of mailings, postings, publishing’s and of course folks copying and sharing from all of those.
About ready to do a new round of publishing worldwide alternative media sources and hits on our other websites are in the thousands.
Our other Websites will continue and have all updates as they come out as well. (Mirror Site)

Quite a few good folks from around the world are coming early for Seed Camp and Set-Up, some very early, as in on the way right now. Most will need to be here after the first week of October when the rainy season is usually over. Our base Seed Camp should not be affected by rains washing out arroyos and such as it still has paved road and is on the way into the main Gathering site, 36 kilometers up the road with the last 26 being dirt and gravel. The first major arroyo is after the Seed Camp site.
We’d like to remind folks that the Magic Hat is still in serious need of donations and the closer to Gathering time the more serious the need gets. Please give whatever you can so that we can have everything well together for when you arrive, or just because you want to donate to help make it all happen.
Both the & the site have Magic Hat donation points.

Hope to see all of you and your friends/families/tribes/groups here in November, or before to set up campsites for your folks. Lots still needs doing so volunteer for whatever you can and are good at.

Walk in Peace
Rainbow Hawk

Rainbow Hawk
Gathering Site.jpg0 bytes

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