
Prison and Drug Economy Expert Catherine Austin Fitts on

Anonyme, Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 12:23

African People's Solidarity Committee

This week on Solidarity Not Charity Penny Hess will interview
Catherine Austin Fitts, former Wall Street investment banker and
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the
administration of George Herbert Walker Bush.

Listen here (was aired this Sunday, July 20th at 4pm)

Ms. Fitts talks about the enormous profits made by Wall Street and
government officials through the multi-billion dollar prison and
illegal drug economies at the expense of the AFrican community. She
exposes how mandatory minimum and three strikes laws used to lock up
young black men boost stock prices for Wall Street firms invested in
the prison and drug economy, and how these same Wall Street banks are
currently being bailed out by the U.S. government after fleecing black
people in the sub-prime scam.

catherine-austin-fitts2.jpg0 bytes

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