
Solidarity with Écosociété

frederic2, Friday, May 23, 2008 - 13:34

Élodie Comtois

Ecosociété, with the help of Koumbit*, launches its Solidarity Campaign website.

To come to the aid of the publisher and authors of Noir Canada

— who are sued by Barrick Gold for $6 million—citizens, organizations
and leading figures can immediately:

- Sign and widely circulate the online petition demanding anti-SLAPP

- Write to their government representatives and to the Minister of Justice to demand anti-SLAPP legislation;

- Make a donation to the Écosociété Defense Fund.

If there is a surplus in the legal defense fund, Écosociété will use it to help other SLAPP victims.

The world's largest gold mining company is claiming from the small not-for-profit publisher and the authors of "Noir Canada", $5 million in compensatory damages, and $1 million in punitive damages, which represent 25 times the annual operating revenue of Écosociété.

This strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a serious threat to the democratic principle of the informed citizen.

We now have new tools to react to these threats to freedom of expression and the right to information in a legal battle that may well be arduous and expensive.

Large union confederations, social groups, leading figures (Frédéric Back, Stanley Péan, Laure Waridel, Julius Grey) as well as over 400 citizens have already signed the petition.

We invite you to inform your networks about this campaign and its

It will be regularly updated as the campaign progresses with new information and proposed lines of actions.

This fight for the right to inform and to remain informed concerns us all.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.