
Action: 30 seconds for a Canadian murdered by Israel

Anonyme, Saturday, March 29, 2008 - 02:59

On July 25th, 2006, a Canadian peacekeeper with the UN in Lebanon was murdered when Israel bombed his bunker with a laser-guided "bunker busting" bomb. At the time, Prime Minister Harper said he would demand answers from the Israelis, but Israel refused to cooperate with the Canadian inquiry into the incident. The Canadian report came out last month, and there are no answers, even though the report holds Israel responsible for the death. To date, Canada has not put any pressure on Israel to provide additional information.

Please join CJPME and the widow of Major Paeta Hess-Von Krudener in demanding that Canada insist on answers from Israel in this tragic incident.

Click on this link to go to our email submit form:

The email will go to the leaders and foreign affairs experts of each major political party in Canada.

Please forward this email to others after you have responded yourself.

Thank you very much!

The CJPME Leadership

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Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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