
SPCA Call for an extraordinary meeting

Anonyme, Wednesday, February 27, 2008 - 10:11

Lise Daigneault

Fevruary 26 008
Canadian SPCA

In response to news reports from CTV Montreal that were broadcast during the week of February 11, 2008 to February 15, 2008, under the leadership of Mr. Barry M. Wilson Todd van der Heyden and Karla Kaminsky we ask you to publish this. Since we call for the government and that nothing so far seems to demonstrate the strong will of the Government (Ministry of Agriculture) to decree guardianship. "We, therefore the extraordinary annual meeting."

This request is aimed at bringing together members of the SPCA (Canadian), which are dispersed (es) and who are unable to communicate their democratically track since no annual meeting was held and despite a blatant abuse of coercion current members of the board of 'directors and the management to ensure that the actual annual meeting is not heard. Moreover, the so-called current membership list is secret and anyone except the current leadership has access to information.

Indeed, the annual meeting was scheduled to take place on November 8, 2007 and the SPCA (Canadian), this would provide the financial statements. This annual meeting has been cancelled without reasonable cause and the financial statements for 2006 are not yet public because the Canada Revenue Agency did not always received. In November, and by law the SPCA (Canadian), this would provide the financial statements of the SPCA (Canadian). They have avoided the issue by providing documents to the wrong agency Canadian income and still nothing.

The so-called annual meeting of 2007 has still not taken place and no annual meeting is scheduled for 2008.

Therefore, given the current evidence that is public and which it may be presumed, the firm members of the current administrative direction and members of the board of directors of the SPCA does not hold the assembly said we are convening a meeting Extraordinary Annual.

We call upon you once again to launch this appeal and allow the holding of a special annual meeting for members of the board of directors responded to questions raised by members of the SPCA (Canadian). Any member of the SPCA (Canadian) is entitled to receive answers to his questions.


You can contact
Daigneault Lise (French) at 514-729-5169 l.daigneault @
Tommy Yaruchefsky (English, french) at 514-270-2998 t.yaruchevsky @

Any person wishing to become its poster can levy $ 55 with the form or letter to the following address: SPCA (Canadian) to the attention of Tatiana in 5215 Jean-Talon West Montreal, Quebec H4P 1X4

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