
Radical Feminist Gathering - Montreal

Anonyme, Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 14:13
2008-02-16 08:00
2008-02-17 02:00


Due to an unexpected numbers of subscriptions, the Gathering will now be happenning at :

Maison Parent-Roback House
110 rue Sainte-Thérèse, Vieux-Montréal

>> See official communication added as a comment below

Radical Feminist Network

Fight patriarchy !
Fight the right!

Let's share our experiences and analyses!
Let's propose actions!
Let's get together to reinforce Quebec's radical feminism movment!

Together, between women-identified people, let's create the radical freshness of our feminists dreams.

Saturday the 16th of February
All day and all night long
@ the Coop sur Généreux
4518 Généreux Street, on the corner of Mont-Royal & Papineau

2008's Radical feminist Gathering
Saturday the 16th of February, arrive for breakfast starting 9a.m.,
at 10a.m., we begin!

Come and participate in the Open Forum were we'll define together the discussion's content and where each woman can freely express herself. Come and share your experiences and your ideas!

...and stay for the evening!

Cabaret show and feminist DJs, dancing and talking for making connections, engage in debates and create projects in an party atmosphere.

Please confirm your attendence by writing at

More infos will follow...

"At the open forum, participants create and admin herselves a day-schedule containing diverse work groups, in simultaneous sessions, while having a common theme : "how, as radical feminists, can we get into a network and/or on what bases do we want to do common actions." The agenda will be determined between 10h and 11h, so if you wish to have your concerns included, be on time: its up to you to bring what inspires you to share or create.

The Open Forum' approach is caracterized as "passion mixed with responsability", "the energy of a coffee break", "spirit in action", "chaos and creativity". And, even if that methodology is known for its apparent lack of structure and is open to surprises, in fact, Open Forum's meetins are really structured. That structure is so adapted to people's and to the activitys to carry on that we practically don't realize that it is there, as a support (and not blocking) to high quality work."

Radical Feminist Network
FemradC.pdf0 bytes

* New adress * for the February radical feminist event
Michael Lessard...
Mon, 2008-02-11 16:59

Dear Feminist !

We have received your attendence's confirmation concerning the 16th of February radical feminist event. In order to have a successful 2008's Radical Feminist Gathering, we need to give you some informations.


Due to an unexpected numbers of subscriptions, the Gathering will now be happenning at :

Maison Parent-Roback House
110 rue Sainte-Thérèse, Vieux-Montréal

Indications below


- Gathering's thematic : How are we gonna bring the rise of radical feminism in Quebec ?

- Gathering will be held in French, a whispered traduction may be organized according to needs. Please contact us if you would need it.

- Bring your own dishes !

- For breakfast, we will serve coffee, herbal tea, muffins, croissants, raisin bread with homemade jam and peanut butter. We'll have vegetables and pea soup with bread and vegetarian spreads. We're still working on supper, which will probably consist of couscous or pizza, maybe a surprise. Pay what you want/can.

- For your comfort during the Gathering, please bring a seat cushion or a travel mattress and, why not, slippers !

- Bring your own alcohol for the cabaret evening.

- Please note that there will be no childcare in the area. But do not hesitate to contact us if you need one, we will help you find a place with other feminist's kids.

- And, finally, if you need a place to stay, let us know and we will find you a guest room or a comfy couch !

Hoping that we didn't forget anything!

*** 2008's Radical Feminist Gathering***

When : Saturday 16th of February
Doors open at 9h for breakfast and chit-chat, gathering begin at 10h !
Where : Maison Parent-Roback, 110 rue Sainte-Thérèse (Old Montreal, métro Champ-de-mars)

Follow the path :

1. Go to Champ-de-Mars subway station (on the orange line, one station next to Berri-UQAM)

2. Follow the directions given to go to Hôtel de Ville de Montréal (City Hall)
- by passing through the underground tunnel
- turn left/north on Rue Sanguinet, then turn left (west) on Rue de la Gauchetière. Reach Avenue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville and turn left (south) on it, crossing Autoroute Ville-Marie. Turn left (east) on Rue St-Antoine Est. Turn right (south) on Rue Gosford until you reach the City Hall or the Gosford/Notre-Dame corner.

3. From the City Hall - Gosford/Notre-Dame corner, turn left (west) on Notre-Dame Est, until you reach Rue St-Vincent. Turn left (south) on St-Vincent.

4. Walk until you get to Rue Sainte-Thérèse and then turn right (west) until you reach the 110 Sainte-Thérèse !

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