England: Brown insists that US is Britain's strongest allyforpressfound, Monday, November 12, 2007 - 07:41
Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent
The UK's PM Gordon Brown insists that the US remains Britain's most important ally, as he attempts to draw Europe and the United States into a new drive to make the United Nations "fit for purpose" in the 21st century. Amsterdam, November 12th 2007 - England's prime minister, the named, but not chosen by the people Gordon Brown, will today again insist that 'America remains Britain's most important ally as he attempts to draw Europe and the United States into a new drive to make the United Nations "fit for purpose" in the 21st century.' According to Brown, the US is Britain's strongest ally, while, to give just one example about what his ilk is neglecting, apart from all profitable genocides, a Google search concerning this 'best ally' the US, and its Gulag camps and torture centers around the world, results in about 1,750,000 for US + Gulag, within 0.14 seconds.* That says enough for human beings, but apparently not for those humanoids, adhering to the US/UK junta.* Still, Brown - like Tony 'the traitor' Blair before him - keeps insisting that the United States and its fascistic ruling madmen are the UK's strongest allies. Brown, his warlords and all cowardly and opportunistic compliant 'fellow travelers' - also in the European Union which is abused by them - want to introduce their 'order' at whatever cost to humanity. "If fascism ever came to the United States, it would be wrapped in an American flag." Huey Long said, and he was damn right, because that's what happened.* THE US - BRITAIN'S STRONGEST ALLY: UP TO THREE MILLION DEAD IN IRAQ Already before the last illegal US/UK invasion of Iraq, and according to figures by UNICEF, at least 1.5 million people in Iraq were killed by the effects of the US/Uk junta's invasions and the United Nation's illegal and inhuman sanctions. If you take that figure, and the latest figures released by ORB, the British polling company, and amounting to 1.2 million dead Iraqis this far, you're up in at least 2.7 million people killed by the US/UK/NATO war machine and it's collaborators. And it is probably more. Therefore the cannon fodder from different nationalities is used, radiated, maimed and killed too. And that is something Gordon Brown and his 'friendly' allies in what's called the 'Coalition of the Killing' are responsible for. And guilty by association are everywhere all those who don't protest the genocides as good as they can. Human beings anywhere in the world will never understand how it's possible to make billions in profit through the wars and over the corpses of all victims, but the humanoids absolutely do not care whether you live or die. The worst thing is that many people are badly informed by the warmongers, which propaganda and lies dominates the major media, concerning all the globally killed people. It's alarming to see how the same group of banking world warlords has moved from the by them again destroyed US, taking along the majority of the Wall Street mafia from this dumbed down, indebted, impoverished and staggering giant on clay feet, to their monetary bases in London and other European capitals.* Like Bonn, with their stooge, PM Angela Merkel in Germany, the totally disgusting robber and former 'Chertoff' of France, now PM Sarkozy (a.k.a. Tzarkozy) in Paris, and in Brussels for the European Union in Belgium, the London warlord and manager of the EU, Peter Mandelsohn. But seventy percent (70%) wants a referendum on this fascist 'superstate' that no thinking human being wants, and last time sixty-three percent (63%) voted NO!* In The Netherlands - a US/UK/Israeli protectorate; the US half-asleep - very much of their loot is hidden in tax free accounts by the always collaborating traitors in industry and the by the warlords usurped media. So, by the money mafia, Holland was secretly turned into a tax haven, and we're talking about 'biggies', like Coca Cola, Ikea, Gucci, the false Bono and ten thousands of others who have their tax evading accounts and letterboxes in Holland.* The 'managers' of Holland - again the multinational money mafia - and their puppet PM Balkenende's 'government', just go along, enjoy the crumbs from the tables of the 'rich', and keep misleading the 16.5 million Dutchmen too. The saying in The Netherlands is that the small grocer 'around the corner' pays more in taxes than the multinational grocer Albert Hein with a billion euros turnover ever will. And that's correct: many brainwashed and therefor docile Dutch are robbed blind. Literally. They are not able to see all signs on the wall, and probably think it's just wallpaper. Through all propaganda they have learned to think this usury situation is 'normal'. Many anno 2007 don't know any better. But in 2001, when asked in a poll on Dutch national radio 'NCRV' in a program called 'Stand.nl' on 27/7/2001 concerning the question if The Netherlands was corrupt - [Stelling: Nederland is corrupt] - it showed that eighteen percent (18%) didn't think so. But eighty-two percent (82%) said Yes! And they were absolutely right. SIX MONTHS A YEAR! The bad reality is that the average Dutch worker now for six months every year, by paying half of the income in criminal taxes, is working for the salaries and profit of the so called 'government' via this heavy taxation. This means that at present the people in the Netherlands are paying the highest taxes on earth. And the highest prices for their gasoline. In Holland, SHELL's own fiefdom... Talk about swindlers! Working half a year for those and the tax paid personnel? This is too crazy to be true, but the 'crazies' did it and the people in general are not informed by the megaphones of the money makers in the media. Which of course are fully guilty by association. Without their propaganda spreading, the wars and global misery would absolutely not have been possible. SANCTIONS KILL - THOSE WHO SUPPORT THIS SHOULD BE JAILED Gordon Brown and his malignant group in the 27 countries European Union don't even dare to hold a referendum concerning a 'constitution' for their New World Order for the EU which they now call a 'treaty': a supranational with the people slaving for the multinationals and their banking world: the war profiteers. They know they will lose a referendum. ''The U.S. is at war with Iraq - make no mistake about that. And it is brutal, genocidal war - make no mistake about that. And it is substantially the result of the convoluted, but real nevertheless, US/UK/Israeli/Saudi alliance to control the entire Middle East region - make no mistake about that either. Iraq is being collectively tortured for its defiance of American and Israeli domination plans for the region. Even official U.N. reports document that nearly 1 million Iraqis - mostly the young and the elderly - have died in the past eight years as a direct result of American policies. Other expert estimates put the number at somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million - half under the age of 5. When compared to the American population, this would be the equivalent of some 12 to 20+ million Americans killed since 1990!'' - [end quote*] THE LIES TO GET NATO ALONG Another problem however, and also Brown knows this, is that the US warmongers also lied about the way they orchestrated 9/11 to the member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, NATO. Certainly; many so called 'leaders' in Europe absolutely knew that as usual Bush and his managers, Condoleezza Rice and other Uncle Toms like Colin Powell c.s. were lying through their teeth, but they thought they could keep it all secret and out of the limelight. They forgot about Internet and all the information available there, so it's only their own misleading propaganda channels in the main$tream media - denying all the facts - that keep the 9/11 lies alive. But people all over the world know who's lying, and even in the US fifty two percent (52%) wants an investigation of the 9/11 drama. Many US americans don't believe the official fairy tales anymore. In reality it also means that NATO's involvement in the US cabal's genocides in their fake 'War on Terror' is based on a huge series of lies. Thus the NATO Treaty's 'Article Five' - about assisting each other when a NATO member is attacked - IS ABSOLUTELY NOT VALID. There's globally no thinking human being to be found anymore, who thinks that some nasty Arabs in a boring Torah cave defied the multi billion US secret services, and even all laws of gravity in bringing down the three WTC towers. Too many know 9/11 was done by controlled demolition, an inside job, and millions hope and work for revenge. They also resist the spread of fascism, a resistance which by the PNAC terrorists is called 'terror'.* In The Independent today, Ben Russell, who is supposed to be the political correspondent, announces what the UK's PM is going to say: ''Gordon Brown will today insist that America remains Britain's most important ally as he attempts to draw Europe and the United States into a new drive to make the United Nations "fit for purpose" in the 21st century. - [Brown means the money mafia's 'purpose', which is power and profit - HR] He will welcome closer links between the White House and France and Germany, and press for redoubled efforts to reform the UN to allow it to tackle problems of climate change and global terrorism. [THE SO CALLED 'WAR ON TERROR' AND 'GLOBAL TERRORISM' IS TOTALLY HOME-MADE BY THE US/UK/MOSSAD CRIMINALS, LIKE THE INSIDE JOB OF 9/11, THE CIA FUNDING OF AL QAEDA ETC. - HR] The Prime Minister will use his annual Guildhall speech on foreign affairs – his first since taking over in No 10 – to reassure the White House that Britain remains a close friend of the United States. But he will also use the speech to signal this Government's independence from the White House by emphasising Britain's position as part of a "network of relationships around the world". Yesterday Mr Brown attempted to heal the international rifts that have opened up over the invasion of Iraq to insist that there was a "great opportunity" to reform international bodies established after the Second World War. He praised relations between Britain and the US, which have been marred in recent months by friction over British troop withdrawals from Iraq and the appointment of Lord Malloch-Brown as a Foreign Office minister despite his criticism of the United States while a senior UN diplomat. ATTACK ON IRAN Asked about possible future attacks on Iran, Mr Brown said "nothing should be ruled out", but insisted diplomacy was starting to work. Mr Brown also signaled he would not be a slavish supporter of the US. [Brown is a fully fledged and sickening member of the US/UK junta. - HR] Mr Brown told Sky News: "It's important to recognise that over the next few years as European countries like France and Germany move closer to America, there's a great opportunity for all of us to work together to reshape the international institutions, to make them fit-for-purpose for the decade that we are in, rather than the decade in which the international institutions were created in the 1940s." He added the EU and US could "achieve a great deal" by working more closely together to face up to the challenges of global warming, failed states, security and global pandemics. Mr Brown continued: "I think what people recognise is that what has changed perhaps over the last period of time, is that as France and Germany and the European Union move closer in understanding to America ... [it] enable[s] us to build better international institutions that can deal with today's problems." - [End quote] Brown means always and only the 'security', 'problems' or 'efficiency' for his own group, the blood money making war criminals which are still trying to fulfill their dream of hegemony in a by this group controlled world. Controlled for power and profit. Those psychopaths are the nightmare of the world of human beings. - HR] Source The Independent (UK) - Url.: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/politics/article3152328.ece FPF - RELATED LINKS: * BROWN: US IS BRITAIN'S STRONGEST ALLY - Web Results 1 - 10 of about 1,750,000 for US +Gulag. (0.14 seconds) - Url.: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=US+%2BGulag * 70% OF THE EUROPEANS WANT A REFERENDUM - ''Voters in five EU countries want treaty referendum,'' was the result of a poll published - Url.: www.indymedia.ie/article/84732 * ALSO PUBLISHED IN WASHINGTON DC - MAY 2006: WALL STREET MOVES TO EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS - Url.: http://dc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/133940/index.php * FALSE FLAG 9/11 IS NO LEGAL BASE FOR NATO FIGHTING US WARS - Url.: http://argentina.indymedia.org/news/2006/02/371244.php * THE RELIABILITY OF THE 'WEB STRIPPERS': England's legal advise by the Foreign Office: the Iraq war is a 'crime of aggression' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/44nhn * THE NETHERLANDS AS TAX HAVEN - Url.: http://argusoog.punt.nl/?id=380607&r=1&tbl_archief=& * MORE INFORMATION ABOUT KILLING, GENOCIDAL SANCTIONS AT Url.: http://www.geocities.com/iraqinfo/index.html?page=/iraqinfo/sanctions/sa... * THEY LOOK LIKE HUMAN BEINGS, BUT ARE STARK RAVING MAD IN THEIR CHUTZPAH. – Beyond Insanity by Amos M. Gunsberg. * ONE OF THE MAIN BANKS OF THE NWO GROUP IS HIDDEN IN THE ALPS IN SWITZERLAND, AND THIS MONEY MAFIA THINKS IT IS ARE ABOVE EVERY LAW ON EARTH. THEY THINK THEY ARE UNTOUCHABLE. Their bank (BIS) has greater immunity than any sovereign nation on earth, is accountable to no one, runs global monetary affairs and is privately owned. The same group owns the Federal Reserve, their 'money print shop' in the US. - Url.: http://www.augustreview.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7&... * CHENEY ORDERS MEDIA TO 'SELL' ATTACK ON IRAN - All propaganda outlets in the also by the warmongers owned Radio, TV & 'press' again have been instructed to launch a global PR blitz for the next illegal military strike on Iran by the US/UK junta, NATO, Israel and other mercenaries. Everywhere on earth all compliant media mongrels should be seen and treated as the war criminals they are: guilty of - with propaganda and other lies - preparing the wars and massacres. - Url.: http://www.infowars.com/articles/ww3/iran_cheney_orders_media_sell_iran_... * WHY U.S. AMERICANS (AND MANY IN OTHER COUNTRIES) WILL BELIEVE ALMOST ANYTHING THEIR 'GOVERNMENT' AND PROPAGANDA MEDIA TELL THEM - Url.: http://www.rense.com/general78/believe.htm * THE USE OF THE PHRASE ‘ANTI SEMITISM’ IS PURE NONSENSE - Many only claim to be jewish, so they can hide behind the false phrase when their global criminal and inhuman activities rightfully are attacked. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y8fwhf * THE GLOBAL ELITE: WHO ARE THEY? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2y5854 * AMERICA (PLUS THE EUROPEAN UNION, AFRICA, LATIN AMERICA, JAPAN ETC. ETC.) PLUNDERED BY THE GLOBAL ELITE - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2gfynw * US/UK JUNTA'S ALLIANCE AND THE AFGHAN GENOCIDE - SIX MILLION EXCESS DEATHS? - Url.: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya081107.htm * THE US IS A 'CRIMOCRACY' - Christopher Bollyn: "This is how the U.S. government, which I call a "crimocracy" works. - Url.: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=110673 * BRITISH HISTORY IS A HOLOCAUST-DENYING OUTRAGE THAT THREATENS HUMANITY - Jane Austen and the black hole of the British holocausts - by Dr. Gideon Maxwell Polya - Url.: http://janeaustenand.blogspot.com/ * THE STATE OF OUR WORLD IN RELATED LINKS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2ncumy * IT'S DANGEROUS TO BE RIGHT, WHEN YOUR GOVERNMENT IS WRONG. - VOLTAIRE * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. 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