Pulling the electronical plug on former 'allies'Anonyme, Monday, October 22, 2007 - 01:08
Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent
Many programs which are used in computer systems in weapons, ships, planes, tanks, satellites etc. lately all get a build-in 'emergency brake'. Via GPS satellites in space, the command can be transmitted to anywhere on earth, to stop. And the computer systems just go 'dead'. FPF - 22-10-2007 - Forty years ago the CIA ordered the design for the completion of a satellite system for secret and encrypted communication with agents. Code-named Pyramider, the system at that time also employed frequency hopping. This provided the agent with large "safe areas" in cities, where the signals could be hidden among random urban radio and other transmissions. To give an example of what than already also could be done: via the Pyramider system an agent was capable of reducing aircraft interception in remote areas to a radius of twenty nautical miles.* And at that time in Vietnam, in the bar on the 7th floor of the journalist's hotel Caravelle in Saigon, I got some good information and a story from some 'RayBans', when some secret service people who uniformly wore those sunglasses, and which probably had been gulping down quite some Mekong whisky, explained to me what already could be done. One of them from his attaché briefcase picked up something which looked like a big GPS receiver, and said that he could make bombs explode in say Amsterdam, Cape Town or New York, via the Pyramider satellite. He'd just have to have the right orders and commands from his superiors. Or they could for instance be at the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Virginia, and at the same time - to give some nasty examples from the present time 'false flag' operations by the CIA c.s. - bombs would go off in Madrid or on Bali, in London, or on 9/11 for the 'inside job' of the 3 World Trade Center buildings, the Mexican Congress* or whatever and wherever. ''It's like a remote control on your TV,'' they said, ''you just push the 'command' button and, there you go! You're not even near the place of the bombing, so you have a hell of an alibi. And, as usual, the others can be blamed, that's what we pay all those compliant journalists in the media for." MACHURIAN CANDIDATES AND THE 'ZERO OPTION' During the ten years I worked in the Mideast, among other massacres covering 'Desert Storm', I often heard people speak about another, less electronic 'Zero option'. Palestinians and others that sometimes were trained in - what they thought were 'Jihad camps' - upon leaving were equipped with hand grenades or bombs to execute attacks. Little did they know they were 'Manchurian candidates' on their way to the cemetery, and involuntarely martyrdom. The problem showed to be the fact, that those timers on the bombs and the ignition on the - mostly fragmentation - hand grenades which were very powerful, had a so called 'Zero option': when the pin is pulled on a normal handgrenade, it will allow the thrower 7 to 8 seconds before it explodes. Those didn't. The specially made handgrenades exploded the very second the timer was activated or the hand grenade's pin was pulled. It gave the attackers zero seconds to escape, hence the name. They immediately were killed themselves and went to their forefathers. In the mainstream media it than was described as a 'suicide attack' or 'a botched attempt'.* But the 'Zero option' is modified, and nowadays the whole system has been modernised and so much perfectioned that all those hightech systems in any kind of modified computer, and wherever they may be, can be ordered to stop when on electronic command 'the plug is pulled'. It means that jet fighters, bombers and other planes would fall out of the air or couldn't start. Anything working on electricity, like computers and even their back-up systems, are bypassed and become instantly obsolete. But there are not many who know what electronic systems and programs, where and in what, have been programmed the 'Zero option' way. DR. STRANGELOVE AND EMP Many years ago, on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, I met a swedish 'Dr. Strangelove' who for the US government was experimenting with electro magnetic pulses (EMP's). This specialist, who with US made gear constructed the electronic overhead projectors in the swedish-made jet fighters Viggen and JAS-Gripen, said that blocking the electronic systems would have the same effect as the experiment with a nuclear EMP a long time ago had shown in Hawaii. Not only the computers, but the cars, elevators and everything else running on electricity and computers in the area stopped. Even if this "Starfish Prime" experiment concerned an explosion 800 miles away from the Hawaiian islands. Because, like Pyramider 40 years ago, the experiments with the EMP 'Zero option' also started in the 1960's: "Because of lack of data, the effects of an EMP were not fully known until 1962. At this time, the United States was conducting a series of high-altitude atmospheric tests, code named "Fishbowl." The nuclear explosion, "Starfish Prime," which was detonated in the Pacific Ocean 800 miles from Hawaii, caused an EMP that disrupted radio stations and electrical equipment throughout Hawaii. Consequently, in 1963, the United States and the Soviet Union signed the 'Atmospheric Test Ban Treaty' to counter the considerable threat posed by EMP's. (But that treaty, like all other earlier by the US signed and sealed agreements and conventions is forgotten now, according to the US junta. - HR) Unfortunately, the destructive potential of an EMP increases everyday as society becomes ever more technological because of an escalating dependence on electronics. Although EMP is unlikely to harm most people, it could harm those with pacemakers or other implanted electronic devices. An Air Force spokesman, who describes this effect as similar to a lightning strike, points out that electronics systems can be protected by placing them in metal enclosures called 'Faraday Cages' that divert any impinging electromagnetic energy directly to the ground. Foreign military analysts say this reassuring explanation is incomplete.* Meaning that it is not true. MORE DR STRANGELOVE NEWS: US MADE 'RODS FROM GOD'? "Rods from God" is another so called 'evolution' of a 1980s program. Basically, it consists of orbiting platforms stocked with metal tungsten rods around 6.1 meters long (20 feet) and 30 cm (one foot) in diameter that could be satellite-guided to targets anywhere on the earth within minutes, for the rods would move at over 11,000 km/hr (6,835 mph). The people, or whatever is targeted, having a 'Zero option' too. This weapon exploits kinetic energy to cause an explosion the same magnitude of that of an earth-penetrating nuclear weapon, but with no radioactive fall-out. The system would function due to two satellites, one of which would work as a communications platform, while the other would contain an arsenal of tungsten rods. Each of the satellites would be seven meters long (23 feet) and its diameter would be approximately 30 cm (one foot). However, serious problems would arise if the Pentagon begins the operational phase - especially from a financial perspective. Some studies maintain that Rods from God could be fully operational in ten years. The targets of the rods would be much more restricted than those of 'Global Strike'. Their main targets remains ballistic missiles stockpiled in hardened sites, or orbital devices and satellite systems deployed by other powers -- according to the counter-space operation doctrine. 'Rods from God' can, however, be employed to strike targets in desert areas - be they hardened sites or concentrated hostile forces. Its devastating striking power does not allow such a weapon to be used for other missions, if unsustainable collateral damage is to be avoided. The road to space weaponization is hazardous. The current U.S. administration appears confident that it can handle the issue successfully. As usual, when a new category of weapons sees the light, it is not clear whether newcomers will suffer from perpetual disadvantage. DESIGNED TO PROTECT THE COUNTRY If other powers succeed in implementing low-cost orbital instruments that could endanger Washington's sophisticated space weapons, the U.S. could rapidly find itself in need of financing hyper-expensive programs designed to protect the country - a situation which could make the Pentagon regret having opened the space front to begin with. Especially now when Bush for US 'interests' has claimed the whole universe, signing another mad declaration. * The secret present programming of computer systems in some weaponry etc. to be sold or given to 'allies' - which in the future (as so often) may turn their anger and revenge against the US/UK military-industrial-complex - and become a nasty 'blowback' - is seen as necessary and a strategic technical advantage by the warmongers. So when planes fall like leafs out of the air, surface to air missiles go haywire or satellites stop or disappear in space, when tanks or missiles and communications don't function anymore, one of the reasons might be the new Pyramider's command: to stop it. That command should immediately be given to the bellicose and criminal US/UK bunch too. So they and their war crimes collaborators can be jailed for their global war crimes. Forever... HENK RUYSSENAARS * BUSH SIGNS AGAIN AND CLAIMS THE WEALTH OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE - 'US' now also is short for: 'Usurping Space' - One year ago - Url.: http://beirut.indymedia.org/ar/2006/10/5758.shtml * EMP - Electro Magnetic Pulse - Url.: http://www.unitedstatesaction.com/emp-terror.htm * FISHBOWL - NUCLEAR 'ELECTRO MMAGNETIC PULSE' TEST HAWAII - Url.: http://images.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Fishbowl+%2BEM... * TWO ISRAELIS ARRESTED WITH BOMBS IN THE MEXICAN CONGRESS - Mexican newspaper front page with story of the arrested Mossad agents - Url.: * BRITISH BOMBS AND THE 'ZERO OPTION' - Url.: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/07/318411.html * PYRAMIDER - SEE ROBERT LINDSEY, 'THE FALCON AND THE SNOWMAN' - New York: Simon & Schuster, 1979, page 218. * HR IS CO-AUTHOR OF THE BOOK 'TECHNO-BANDITS', published in 1984 by Houghton Miflin Company - Boston, MA - ISBN 91-7738-064-9 * US MILITARIZES SPACE: GLOBAL STRIKE & MORE 'RODS FROM GOD' - Url.: http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/08-19-05/discussion.cgi.70.html * GEORGE BUSH II - SPEAKING ABOUT THE US/UK JUNTA'S GLOBAL ATROCITIES: "Truth of the matter is, there's people who disagree with the decisions I've made all over the world. But that's what happens when you make decisions." - Quoted by one of the US/UK junta's worst propaganda sewers, CNN. * THE US IS A 'CRIMOCRACY' - Christopher Bollyn: "This is how the U.S. government, which I call a "crimocracy" works. It is a government of criminals, by criminals, and for criminals. It is the source of the corruption which is responsible for the United States being in such dire straits." - Url.: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=110673 * THE STATE OF OUR WORLD IN RELATED LINKS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2ncumy * "MINDS ARE LIKE PARACHUTES, THEY ONLY FUNCTION WHEN THEY ARE OPEN" - SIR JAMES DEWAR * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3z3r6 FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
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