
Recent book arrivals, several of them new, at the Insoumise Anarchist Bookstore (Montréal)

Anonyme, Friday, September 21, 2007 - 13:36

2033, St-Laurent blvd.
Open from noon, Tues-Sun

[ list of new books below ]

The Art of Natural Building
- Kennedy, Smith, Wanek Editors

Creating a Life Together Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities

The Composting Toilet System Book A Practical Guide to Choosing, Planning and Maintaining Composting Toilet Systems

The Oil Depletion Protocol A Plan to Avert Oil Wars, Terrorism and Economic Collapse,
- Richard Heinberg

La plupart des livres de Derrick Jensen / Most of Derrick Jensen's books:

Strangely like War
- Derrick Jensen, G. Draffan

Walking on Water

Welcome To The Machine: Science, Surveillance, And The Culture Of Control
- Derrick Jensen and George Draffan

A Language older than words

Listening to the land

The culture of make believe

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Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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