
Canadian Khalid Awan gets 14 years for funding terrorists

Anonyme, Friday, September 14, 2007 - 00:42


He is facing a bogus case, there is no any recording, no any witness, no any documentry prof, no any aiding proof, he has no any crime and crime behaiviour in his life with any body even in whole the world include india, pakistan, canada, usa. he loves all kind human even hindus, muslim, sikh, cristien, jues, every body. he has nothing any crime in his whole life because he hate, and dislike these bad deeds. He loves all Americans, Canadians and even every body, we know he has become a target because of race and religion. We beleive in God and all human rights departments to help us in this matter. Khalid awan is agood-natured, God-fearing man, good behavoured man. His whole life is rememberable with friends and with every body. he did not give any hurt, any bad words to any body in the world. he thinks every time positive.

- Arshadmalik

Canadian gets 14 years for funding terrorists

- COLIN FREEZE, Globe & Mail, September 13, 2007.

[ EDIT (Mic pour le CMAQ)
* In the author's text, added spaces between words (it helps :o)
* placed in the Newswire rather than the Analysis
* The Globe & Mail article was removed and replaced by a linked title.]

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