
American Troops say "You can basically kill anyone you want"

Anonyme, Thursday, August 16, 2007 - 14:46


There are some disturbing confessions in this video from You Tube.

Some quotes from American soldiers themselves on their "morals", illegal orders and views of Iraqis as "Untermenschen":

One of the American soldiers in this video says that American troops regularly shot at people at the side of the road, and carried spades with them so that their victims could quickly be buried. (He claims that "his guys" didn't do that, but the people who were there before them did, they told them to "keep shovels on your truck")

Some quotes:

"The instructions anything that moves"

""Got pictures of Iraqi soldiers beating up get so into it, that's your job, that's what you're there for.....what am I gonna do?...." (This particular soldier admits to laughing about this.)

"We acted inhumane...alot of soldiers acted inhumane....They're not people, they're animals"

"You just zap any (?) that's close to you"

"Totally take the human being out of it..."

"If you start looking at 'em as're going to get killed"

"You can basically kill anyone you want"

Click on the link to view this video on You Tube to see the confessions for yourself.

You Tube Video Evidence

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