
Franz J. T. Lee & Jutta Schmitt On American Voice Radio Network

franzlee, Tuesday, August 14, 2007 - 19:36

Franz J. T. Lee / Jutta Schmitt

VHeadline Venezuela Newshour
Citizen Power/People's Power discussed in the context of the new Venezuela

Thursday, August 09, 2007
VHeadline Venezuela Newshour: Thursday's edition of the VHeadline Venezuela Newshour presented South African-born University of Los Andes (ULA) Professor Franz J.T. Lee and senior lecturer Jutta Schmitt discussing the topic of "Citizen Power" or "People's Power" in the context of the new Venezuela.

They analyzed the concepts of "people," "class" and "power" as understood by the Bolivarian Revolution ... and as inherited from the ideas and actions of Venezuela's founding fathers, Simon Bolivar and/or Simon Rodriguez.

They also illustrated how "people's power" functions in Venezuela's reality ... its pros and cons ... and provided examples from their own experiences of participation in local community councils in San Onofre, Merida and contrasted what is happening with concepts and realities from their ideas of class struggle and workers' power.

The VHeadline Venezuela Newshour on AVRN
Galaxy 25 Transponder 5, KU FTA Satellite
Monday-Friday @ 10:00 am Pacific, 1:00 pm Caracas

Please click to listen to or to download the mp3 file.

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