
Harper, Bush & Calderon in Montebello this August: A call to resistance!

patc, Monday, July 30, 2007 - 17:13


Mobilize and Protest against George Bush, Stephen Harper and Felipe Calderon at the meeting of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP)

AUGUST 19-21, 2007

(Between Ottawa and Montreal)

In brief, the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) combines the destructive neo-liberal policies of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the fear and paranoia of post 9-11 "Homeland Security" policies. The SPP is firmly rooted within a colonial and capitalist framework. About the SPP:

::::: DAYS OF ACTIONS IN MONTEBELLO (August 19&20) :::::

-> Sunday, August 19 – Creative resistance and popular education against the SPP

August 19 will be a day of creative resistance and popular education against the SPP in the Montebello-area. We encourage affinity groups to organize autonomous actions within the framework of creative resistance, and call on individuals to join in a collective action of popular education. More details to come. Transport is planned for the 19th (return or one-way; more details under transport and housing below).

-> Monday, August 20, NOON – Protest and disruption of Bush, Harper, Calderon and the SPP

We call on affinity groups, organizations and individuals to mobilize in large numbers for a main Day of Action against the meeting of Bush, Harper, Calderon and the SPP that will take place on MONDAY, AUGUST 20 AT NOON (please note the new time) at the Chateau Montebello (or as close as possible to Montebello).

In brief, the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) combines the destructive neo-liberal policies of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the fear and paranoia of post 9-11 "Homeland Security" policies. The SPP is firmly rooted within a colonial and capitalist framework. About the SPP:

Montebello, Quebec is a tourist village between Ottawa and Montreal, on Highway 148, on the Ottawa River. Click here to view a small map, or dowload a more detailed map of the region in .pdf format in the "Galleries" section.

Get informed. Get organized. Get involved.

TRANSPORTATION to Montebello is being organized from Montreal for August 19 & 20; e-mail to reserve a space. Please reserve BEFORE August 12. More info about transportation at:

Transportation to Montebello is also being organized from Ottawa (, Quebec City ( and Toronto ( ).

ACCOMMODATIONS: A location for basic accommodations will be available for demonstrators in the Montebello-area. Accommodations will be available for people who wish to participate in both days of action, and also for those who want to arrive earlier to plan actions and awareness-raising activities in the Montebello-area. More details to come.

POSTERS, FLYERS and other materials for download, printing and distribution are available at:


::::: CONSULTA, AUGUST 12 :::::

A final planning and organizing CONSULTA is scheduled for SUNDAY, August 12 from 12-5pm in room R-M 110 at UQAM (315 Ste-Catherine East, near St-Denis). More info:

::::: ACTIONS AGAINST THE SPP IN MONTREAL (August 14 & 16) :::::

As part of a National Week of Action Against the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) from August 13 to 17 there will be two actions in Montreal, against CN rail and the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS):

-> AUGUST 14, NOON – CN: Stop your racist lawsuits! Protest the Central Train Station (metro Bonaventure). Support indigenous struggles for sovereignty, dignity and self-determination on Turtle Island ... Oppose CN Rail's racism and colonialism ... Protest Bush, Harper, Calderon and the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP). More information:

-> AUGUST 16, NOON – Protest against CSIS and the SPP, Dorchester Square (Rene-Levesque and Peel, metro Peel). The People's Assembly against Security Injustice invite you to a demonstration to denounce the role of the Canadian and Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)in the criminalization, harassment and profiling of refugees, immigrants and non-status people. CSIS feeds a culture a fear and suspicion that the state uses to justify the expansion of surveillance and control on the agenda of the SPP. Info:

::::: COMMUNITY ASSEMBLIES (August 1, 4, 11 & 13) :::::

A series of COMMUNITY ASSEMBLIES to discuss the impacts of the Security & Prosperity Partnership (SPP), especially on immigrant, migrant, refugee and indigenous communities will take place in Montreal on August 1, 4, 11 & 13. More info:

::::: BENEFIT SHOW (August 9) :::::

A benefit show with Genr'radical and Bernard et ses désaccords!
At L'Alizée (900 Ontario est), 8pm. More info:

::::: BRIGADES FESTIVES (August 11) :::::

The info/popular education committee is organizing "Brigades Festives" in local neighbourhoods, to raise awareness about the SPP. The first Brigade took place in Parc Extension this past July 29 (photos at:

The next Brigade will be in Côte-des-Neiges on August 11. More details to be posted at:

TEL: 514-848-7583

No SSP Site
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NO SPP Web Show Episode on WAKE UP CALL
Sat, 2007-08-18 11:30

On Wednesday there was a great public forum in Victoria BC about the SPP...I made an episode in my show WAKE UP CALLS....

4 great speakers...

Connie Fogal (Leader of the Canadian Action Party)
Denise Savoie (MP Victoria)
Bob Hansen (Council of Canadians)
Bo Filter (Author)

[ ]

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