
Anti-imperialist consulta in Montreal

patc, Monday, May 28, 2007 - 10:09
2007-06-03 11:00
2007-06-03 16:00

UQAM - Room R-R110 (ground floor of the "Pavillon de la Gestion")
Berri-UQAM Metro

Block the Empire Montreal

Call-out to all anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist and anti-war groups
and individuals in Eastern Canada.


Sunday June 3rd, 2007
Noon -- Food and Introductions
1PM -- Start of Consulta
UQAM - Room R-R110 (ground floor of the "Pavillon de la Gestion")
Berri-UQAM Metro

Montreal/Quebec City, May 22nd, 2007 -

On June 3rd, a public assembly will be held to coordinate a series of
anti-imperialist mobilizations planned for summer of 2007.

Block the Empire (Montreal) and the Guerre à la guerre Coalition
(Quebec City) are inviting all anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist,
anti-war collectives, affinity groups and individuals to actively
participate in the mobilisations for these major events:

June 14th to 16th, 2007 in Halifax, NS - Mobilization against *Atlantica*,
also known as the "International Northeast Economic Region".
Atlantica is a neo-liberal project to create a free-trade zone in the
northeast of North America. It is a key element of continental
economic and security integration proposed by the Security and
Prosperity Partnership. The ACCtion AGAINST ATLANTICA collective is
calling for resistance actions in Halifax from the 14th to the 16th of

June 22nd, 2007, Quebec, QC - A day of disruptive actions to denounce
the August deployment of 2000 soldiers to Afghanistan from the Royal
22nd Regiment of Valcartier. On June 22nd, the soldiers of the
Valcartier garrison will parade for dignitaries and citizens as part
of a military parade and symbolic flourishing of arms in the heart of
the Old City of Quebec. The GUERRE À LA GUERRE coalition has called
for the disruption of the march and actions opposing the deployment of
Canadian troops in Afghanistan. According the the coalition's
callout: "This demonstration will not target soldiers, it will target
the federal government and the Canadian military authorities. (...)
The war in Afghanistan being waged under cover of humanitarian aid is
not improving the situation of Afghani people. It is a war fought for
strategic and economic interests, in order to extend the control of
Western countries over the Middle East. This war is in perfect
harmony with the colonialist logic of capitalism and it's economic
players who seek to impose it throughout the world."

June 29 2007 : Turtle Island (occupied North America) -- All across
"Canada," there are ongoing struggles for native sovereignty and
self-determination: from Sun Peaks to Burnt Church, from Dene
Territory to Nitassinan , from Grassy Narrows to Six Nations.
Recently, CN Rail decided to sue three Mohawk activists for over $100
million dollars because of their participation in a rail blockade in
defence of land rights. CN Rail is built on stolen native land. CN
Rail's headquarters are in Montreal. In conjunction with nationwide
protests in defence of native sovereignty on June 29, called by
indigenous groups, we will discuss a solidarity demonstration in
Montreal, linked to our organizing this summer against war, and
against the Security and Prosperity Partnership.

August 21st and 22nd, 2007, Montebello, QC - A mass demonstrations and
disruptions to denounce and derail the meeting for the Security and
Prosperity Partnership (SPP), and the state visits to Quebec of George
W. Bush, Stephen Herper, and Felipe Calderón. The heads of state of
Canada, the US and Mexico are meeting at Château Montebello, in the
Outaouais, the 21st and 22nd of August, to pursue the economic and
security integration of North America. Block the Empire! Montreal and
the Stop SPP Action Committee of Ottawa are calling for direct action
against the SPP meeting at Montebello.

ACCtion Against Atlantica (Halifax), Guerre à la guerre (Quebec City),
and Block the Empire! (Montreal) follow the five hallmarks of People's
Global Action:

Come to Montreal angry and in force, on June 3rd, to join the Eastern
Canadian struggle against imperialism, colonialism and capitalism in
coordinating a summer of resistance to the criminal projects of the
ruling class.

Sunday June 3rd, 2007
Noon -- Food and introductions
1AM -- Start of Consulta
UQAM - Room R-R110 (ground floor of the "Pavillon de la Gestion")
Berri-UQAM Metro

/// This is a wheelchair accessible space.
// Childcare available.
/ Translation available to English, French and Spanish.

For more information:
-- Block the Empire Montreal

- 2007 - Summer of Resistance


Ajout 22 juin à Québec
Michael Lessard...
Mon, 2007-05-28 22:33

Pour la parade militaire du 22 juin :

En vertu des principes du pluralisme, du respect de la diversité des
tactiques et de la liberté d'expression,

et en vertu d'une entente officielle entre la "coalition Guerre à la
guerre" et la "Coalition de Québec pour la paix",

prière de noter qu'il y aura une manifestation/marche verte pour
permettre à tous et à toutes de pouvoir dénoncer cette guerre. Cette
action VERTE sera donc non confrontante. Évidemment, les gens de tout
alignement politique moindrement libertaire comprennent qu'il faut
respecter le choix de gens de participer à une action totalement
sécuritaire pour leur santé. Par exemple, il y a des personnes âgés à
Québec qui voudront manifester contre cette guerre, mais ne voudront
pas confronter la police.

Je le dis surtout parce que le message précédent n'en faisait pas mention.

EDIT: j'ai retiré une phrase ici (de mon propre commentaire).

C'est tout, merci,

Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

[ ]

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

Get involved !


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