
Grassroots Film Project Seeks Footage

Anonyme, Tuesday, April 10, 2007 - 11:05

The Think Peace Documentary Project, a Vancouver, BC based non profit film project is looking for video footage.

The Think Peace Documentary Project came together in June 2006 in order to film the World Peace Forum, June 23-28. We are an ad hoc group whose passion for peace and video wanted to make sure that there was some visual record of this amazing conference.

Now in the final stages of editing our documentary we are looking for stock footage to enhance some of our segments.

We are particularily interested in footage from the large anti-war protests of 2003, the large anti-globalization protests, environmental destruction such as oil spills, etc.

We are doing this on a non-profit basis and would appreciate and accredit any help we can get.

For further information our web site is email

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