
Religious rights Vs. Children's rights? (Hijab not allowed in Canada soccer tourney)

Anonyme, Friday, March 9, 2007 - 20:31


Brainwashing and forcing a religion on a small, innocent child is really a form of psychological abuse and amounts to torture and physical coercion in many cases.

Regarding the recent controversy about a Muslim girl being sent off the soccer filed for wearing a hijab (religious head decoration) thers a much more fundamental and important "rights" issue here thats been completely overlooked! The civil and human rights I'm talking about are the rights of children in a democracy "not" to be brainwashed or forced into any particular kind of religion! As it stands now children in Canada are still forced into following their parent's religion,long before these children can reason or think for themselves.This of course is not suprising because most of todays religions Muslim; Judaism; Catholicism etc.) wouldn't have the large followings they have if they were no longer allowed to force and brainwash their children into blindly accepting and following those particular religious beliefs!

Brainwashing and forcing a religion on a small,innocent child is really a form of psychological abuse and amounts to torture and physical coercion in many cases.The bottom line is why is it all right in Canada to psychologically abuse and physically coerce children with religious dogma if its not alright to abuse children in other and similiar degrading ways?


Hijab not allowed in Canada soccer tourney
OTTAWA, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- A Canadian soccer coach pulled his team from a tournament after a referee wouldn't allow one of its players to compete wearing an Islamic headscarf.

The controversy erupted when Asmahan Mansour, 11, a member of Ottawa's Nepean Hotspurs' second line, stepped onto the field wearing a hijab, The Toronto Sun reported.

The referee, a Muslim, said the girl couldn't play in the girls-under-12 competition with a headscarf on. Tournament organizers said the prohibition had nothing to do with religion but rather was a matter of safety, the Sun reported.

Unable to change the referee's mind, Nepean Hotspurs coach Louis Maneiro pulled his team from the tournament in Laval, Quebec.

"As a team, we're not coming back here," Maneiro told the Sun.

There was no direct comment about the incident from the Canadian Soccer Association.

We are all fools
Michael Lessard...
Sat, 2007-03-10 00:19

Parents communicate to their children their world view: it's not torture for crying out loud.

I personnally avoid religious institutions and so will most probably teach my children to focus on an ethically-based or humanistic spirituality, but that will also be "forcing a culture on a small innocent child".

We are all brainwashed by our culture but, by definition, we consider our own personal culture or our social culture the normal sane way to be. So, here, you are considering a specific Muslim culture as being brainwashing, but you will consider your own culture as being education.

:o) Humans are fundamentally fools,
Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

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