
Bush and Gonzales – Two Terrorists

Anonyme, Thursday, February 8, 2007 - 13:21

Scott Huminski

President Bush, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the U.S. Justice Department subject an entire state to civil rights violations reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

The Bush Justice Dept. and FBI refuse to prosecute crimes against the civil rights of U.S. citizens, yet, Bush claims to be spreading rights and liberties abroad while he supports terrorist civil rights atrocities against the people of the United States.

Below is a letter sent to Bush crony, the right-wing Governor of Vermont, James Douglas. The letter was also sent to Alberto Gonzales, the Bush Justice Department and FBI. See comments on the epitome of hypocrisy that this Bush policy demonstrates after the letter.


Scott Huminski
111-2C Killam Court
Cary, NC 27513

Governor Douglas April 5, 2006
Office of the Governor
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609

RE: Executive Director Elrick, Vermont Police Academy

*** Certified Mail 7005 1820 0002 4430 4817 ***

Dear Governor Douglas,

This letter concerns your appointment of R.J. Elrick (“Elrick

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